Shortcuts Sublime Text for Windows

Working with the code is quite monotonous and routine, and to simplify it, SublimeText suggests using hotkeys. The combinations are already set by the developers, but for convenience they can be customized to your liking and your goals. Regardless of the version of the program, all combinations remain unchanged. If you use keyboard shortcuts with plugins, features and SublimeText functions, the work will become productive and optimized. Hot keys help to work with text (select, delete, copy, duplicate, move, merge), files, manage windows (switch between tabs, manage editing areas) and use navigation without using the mouse.

General Editing Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+L Select Line,
Ctrl+D Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode
Alt+F3 Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode
Ctrl+Shift+L With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.
Esc Cancel Selection
Ctrl+Shift+J Select lines in this indention
Ctrl+Shift+A Expand Selection
Ctrl+Shift+Space Expand selection
Ctrl+Shift+M Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses

Cool Text Manipulation

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move line or selection up arrow/ down arrow
Ctrl+Enter Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Ctrl+Enter Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Ctrl+J Join line below at end of current line
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down Duplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)
Ctrl+T Transpose
F9 Sort Lines case sensitive
Shift+F9 Sort Lines case in-sensitive
Ctrl+]/[ Indent/ unindent
Ctrl+Shift+D Duplicate line or selection
Ctrl+/ Toggle Comment line
Ctrl+Shift+/ Toggle Comment block
Ctrl+ku Change selection to Uppercase
Ctrl+KL Change selection to Lowercase
Alt+Q Wrap lines to 80 characters and remove indent


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Delete Delete character to the right
Backspace Delete character to the left
Ctrl+Backspace Delete word to the left
Ctrl+Delete Delete word to the right
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Delete from cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete from cursor to end of line

Undo and Redo

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+Y Redo or repeat
Ctrl+U Soft Undo
Ctrl+Shift+U Soft redo

Cut, Copy and Paste

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Cut and Copy without selection takes complete line Shift+Delete
Cut Ctrl+Insert
Copy Shift+Insert
Paste Ctrl+X
Cut Ctrl+C
Copy Ctrl+V
Paste Ctrl+Shift+V
Paste and match current indention Ctrl+KV
Paste from History

Find and Replace

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+F Standard Find
Ctrl+H Find and Replace
Ctrl+Shift+F Find and Replace in open tabs/ files and folders
Ctrl+Shift+H Replace next
F3/Shift+F3 Find next/ previous
Ctrl+Shift+F Creates file with search results from all open files in new tab
Ctrl+D Find and highlight current word in text
Ctrl+F3 Find under
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Find under previous
Alt+F3 Find all under
Ctrl+E Slurp find string
Ctrl+Shift+E Slurp replace string
Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+N New Window
Ctrl+Shift+W Close Window
Ctrl+O Open File
Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen last file
Ctrl+N New file
Ctrl+S Save file
Ctrl+Shift+S Save file as
Ctrl+F4 Close File
Ctrl+W Close Sublime

Bookmarks and Marks

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+F2 Toggle Bookmark
F2 Go to next bookmark
Shift+F2 Go to previous bookmark
Alt+F2 Select all bookmarks
Ctrl+KSpace Set Mark
Ctrl+KA Select to mark
Ctrl+KW Delete to mark
Ctrl+KX Swap with mark
Ctrl+KY Yank

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+KB Toggle sidebar
Ctrl+Page Down/Page Up Move to next/ previous open tab
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab Move to next/ previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)
Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen last closed tab
Ctrl+/- Zoom - increase/ decrease font size
Ctrl+P Quick Open - Show file list of currently opened file
F11 Toggle full screen
Shift+F11 Toggle full screen distraction free

Split Panes

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Shift+1 Split layout to 1 pane
Alt+Shift+2 Split layout to 2 vertical panes
Alt+Shift+3 Split layout to 3 vertical panes
Alt+Shift+4 Split layout to 4 vertical panes
Alt+Shift+5 Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal panes
Alt+Shift+8 Split layout to 2 horizontal panes
Ctrl+1 Focus/ cursor on split pane #1
Ctrl+2 Focus/ cursor on split pane #2
Ctrl+3 Focus/ cursor on split pane #3
Ctrl+4 Focus/ cursor on split pane #4
Ctrl+Shift+1.…4 New pane in pane #1 thru #4
Ctrl+K, then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed) Open new pane, and move current window into new pane
Ctrl+K, then Arrow Down Close current pane
Ctrl+K, then left arrow/Arrow Right Move to next pane to the left arrow/ right arrow
Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow Left Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrow\
Alt+1…0 Jump to tab 1..10 in current pane


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+[/] Fold/ unfold
Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+1.…9 Fold by level 1….9
Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+J Unfold all
F6 Toggle spell checking
Ctrl+F6 Find next misspelling
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Find previous misspelling
Ctrl+` Toggle Console
Alt+V, then W Toggle word wrap - View - Word wrap
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 14.03.2019
Page views: 1254
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program