Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+N | New |
Ctrl+O | Open |
Ctrl+W | Open from Web Folder |
Ctrl+D | Make a Drawing from part or assy |
Ctrl+A | Make a new Assy from part or assy |
Ctrl+S | Save |
Ctrl+P |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo |
Enter | Repeat Last Command |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Delete | Delete |
Ctrl+B | Rebuild |
Ctrl+Q | Forced Rebuild |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Arrow Keys | Rotate the model |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Rotate the model 90º |
Alt+Arrow Keys | Rotate the model CW or CCW |
Ctrl+Arrow Keys | Pan the model |
Ctrl+R | Redraw |
Spacebar | Orientation |
F | Zoom to Fit |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Undo View Change |
Ctrl+F1 | View Task Pane |
F3 | View Quick Snaps |
Z/Shift+Z | Zoom Out/Zoom In One Step |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
L | Line |
Ctrl+M | Mate Diagnostics |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+1 | Front |
Ctrl+2 | Back |
Ctrl+3 | Left |
Ctrl+4 | Right |
Ctrl+5 | Top |
Ctrl+6 | Bottom |
Ctrl+7 | Iso |
Ctrl+8 | Normal to |
A | Command Option Toggle |
C | Expand/Collapse Tree |
E | Filter Edges |
V | Filter Vertices |
X | Filter Faces |
N | Next Edge |
Y | Accept Edge |
F1 | Help |
Shift+F1 | What's this? |
F2 | Name edit mode |
Ctrl+Tab | Cycle between documents-forward |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Cycle between documents-backwards |
Ctrl+F6 | Next window |
Ctrl+F4 | Close window |
F5 | Toggle Selection Filter Toolbar |
F6 | Toggle Selection Filter |
Arrow Keys | Move Drawing View Up, Down, Left, Right |
Ctrl+Q | Force Regen To Top Level Of Assy |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H | Make Horizontal |
Alt+R | Edit dimension properties |