Shortcuts Ableton Live for Windows
Ableton Live is a computer program from Ableton for musicians, used for both studio work and live play. The program has two modes: "Arrangement View" and "Session View". In the “Arrangement” mode, the composition is created by arranging musical fragments on the timeline.
Showing and Hiding Results
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F11 | Toggle Full Screen Mode |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Toggle Second Window |
Tab | Toggle Session/ArrangementView |
Shift+Tab/F12 | Toggle Device/Clip View |
Ctrl+Alt+L/Shift+F12 | Hide/Show Detail View |
Q | Toggle Hot-Swap Mode |
D | Toggle DrumRack/last-selected Pad |
Shift+? | Hide/Show Info View |
Ctrl+Alt+B | Hide/Show Browser |
Ctrl+Alt+O | Hide/Show Overview |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Hide/Show In/Out |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Hide/Show Sends |
Ctrl+Alt+M | Hide/Show Mixer |
Ctrl+, | Open the Preferences |
Esc | Close Window/Dialog |
Adjusting Values
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Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Decrement/Increment |
Ctrl | Finer Resolution for Dragging |
Delete | Return to Default |
0......9 | Type in Value |
.+, | Go to Next Field |
Esc | Abort Value Entry |
Enter | Confirm Value Entry |
Windows | Description Edit
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Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Scroll Down/Up |
Right and left arrow | Close/Open Folders |
Enter | Load Selected Item fromBrowser |
Shift+Enter | Preview Selected File |
Ctrl+F | Search in Browser |
Down arrow | Jump to Search Results |
Windows | Description Edit
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Space | Play from Start Marker/Stop |
Shift+Space | Continue Play from StopPoint |
Space | Play Arrangement ViewSelection |
Home | Move Insert Marker toBeginning |
F9 | Record |
F10 | Back to Arrangement |
F1......F8 | Activate/Deactivate Track1......8 |
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+X | Copy |
Ctrl+C | Cut |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate |
Delete | Delete |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo |
Ctrl+R | Rename |
Ctrl+A | Select all |
Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
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Shift+click | Move Start Marker toPosition |
Right and left arrow | Nudge Loop Left/Right |
Up & Down Arrows | Move Loop By Loop Length |
Ctrl+Up and Down arrow | Halve/Double Loop Length |
Ctrl+Right and Left arrow | Shorten/Lengthen Loop |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Select Material in Loop |
Session view Ctrls
Windows | Description Edit
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Enter | Launch Selected Clip/Slot |
Arrow Keys | Select Neighboring Clip/Slot |
Ctrl+A | Select all Clips/Slots |
Ctrl+Drag | Copy Clips |
Ctrl+E | Add/Remove Stop Button |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Insert MIDI clip |
Ctrl+I | Insert Scene |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Insert Captured Scene |
Ctrl+Up & down arrow | Move Nonadjacent ScenesWithout Collapsing |
Ctrl | Drop Browser Clips as aScene |
Arrangement View Ctrls
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Ctrl+E | Split Clip at Selection |
Ctrl+J | Consolidate Selection intoClip |
Ctrl+Alt+F | Create Fade/Crossfade |
Ctrl+L | Loop Selection |
Ctrl+I | Insert Silence |
Ctrl+Alt | Pan Left/Right of Selection |
Alt Unfold button | Unfold all Tracks |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Scroll Display to FollowPlayback |
Ctrls for Tracks
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Ctrl+T | Insert Audio Track |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Insert MIDI Track |
Ctrl+Alt+T | Insert Return Track |
Ctrl+R | Rename Selected Track |
Tab | While Renaming, Go to nextTrack |
Ctrl+G | Group Selected Tracks |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Ungroup Tracks |
+ | Show Grouped Tracks |
- | Hide Grouped Tracks |
Ctrl+Arrow Keys | Move Nonadjacent TracksWithout Collapsing |
Ctrl Click | Arm/Solo Multiple Tracks |
Enter | Add Device from Browser |
Ctrls for Breakpoint Envelopes
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Ctrl | Finer Resolution for Dragging |
Shift | Enable Dragging OverBreakpoints |
Alt | Create Curved AutomationSegment |
Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
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Ctrl+M | Toggle MIDI Map Mode |
Ctrl+K | Toggle Key Map Mode |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Computer MIDI Keyboard |
Zooming, Display and Selection
Windows | Description Edit
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+ | Zoom in |
- | Zoom out |
Shift | Drag/Click to Append to aSelection |
Shift | Click to Add AdjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes toMulti-Selection |
Ctrl | Click to Add NonadjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes to aMulti-Selection |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Follow (Auto-Scroll) |
Ctrl+Alt | Pan Left/Right of Selection |
Clip view Sample Display
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+U | Quantize |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Quantize Settings |
Right & left arrow | Move Selected Warp Marker |
Ctrl+I | Insert Warp Marker |
Ctrl+ Right and left arrow | Select Warp Marker |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Scroll Display to FollowPlayback |
Shift+Right & left arrow | Move Clip Region with StartMarker |
Clip View MIDI Editor
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+U | Quantize |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Quantize Settings |
Page Up/Page Down | Scroll Editor Vertically |
Ctrl+ Ppage up/Ctrl+Page Down | Scroll Editor Horizontally |
Ctrl drag | Copy Notes |
Alt drag | Change Velocity From NoteEditor |
Home | Move Insert Marker toBeginning |
End | Move Insert Marker to End |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Scroll Display to FollowPlayback |
Shift+Right and left arrow | Move Clip Region with StartMarker |
Grid Snapping And Drawing
Windows | Description Edit
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B | Toggle Draw Mode |
Ctrl+1 | Narrow Grid |
Ctrl+2 | Widen Grid |
Ctrl+3 | Triplet Grid |
Ctrl+4 | Snap to Grid |
Ctrl+5 | Fixed/Zoom-Adaptive Grid |
Alt | Bypass Snapping WhileDragging |
Global Quantization
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Ctrl+6 | Sixteenth-Note Quantization |
Ctrl+7 | Eighth-Note Quantization |
Ctrl+8 | Quarter-Note Quantization |
Ctrl+9 | 1-Bar Quantization |
Ctrl+0 | Quantization Off |
Working with Sets and the Program
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+N | New Live Set |
Ctrl+O | Open Live Set |
Ctrl+S | Save Live Set |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save Live Set As... |
Ctrl+Q | Quit Live |
Ctrl+H | Hide Live |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Export Audio/Video |
Ctrl+Shift+E | Export MIDI file |
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+Alt+P | Show/Hide Plug-In Windows |
Ctrl | Open Second/MultipleWindows with Plug-In EditButton |
Ctrl+G | Group/Ungroup Devices |
Alt Device avtivator | Activate/Deactivate AllDevices in Group |
Shift | Click to Append Devices to aSelected Device |
Enter | Load Selected Device FromBrowser |
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program