Esc | Enter select mode (same as Space, or F11) |
Esc | Terminate the current action, e.g. stop drawing tracks |
Insert | Enter insert point mode. Click and drag on track to insert a point |
Return | Same as a click on the left mouse button |
Space | Enter select mode (same as Esc, or F11) |
Tab | View: vertical flip |
Shift+Tab | View: horizontal flip |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | View: exchange the roles of front side and far side |
Del | Delete object under the mouse cursor |
Ctrl+Shift L-Mouse | Delete object under the mouse cursor (fast) |
Shift+Del | Delete objects in selection |
Backspace | Delete objects in selection |
Shift+Backspace | Deletes connected copper under the cursor. Rats are considered a connection. |
| | Toggles thin draw mode |
A | Read the parameters to use for new objects from the object below the cursor. |
Alt+A | Select all objects on active layers. Deactivated layers are ignored. |
Shift+Alt+A | Clear selection |
B | Flip object to the other side of the board |
C | View: center display at cursor position |
Ctrl+C | Copy selection to buffer and unselect |
D | Display pin or pad name |
Shift+D | Open pinout window for element under mouse cursor |
E | Delete all rats |
Shift+E | Delete selected rats |
F | Highlight connections to object under mouse cursor. This includes rats and objects on invisible layers |
Ctrl+F | Add connections to object under mouse cursor to the set of found objects |
Shift+F | Un-highlight found connections |
G | Increment grid by configured imperial increment |
Shift+G | Decrement grid by configured imperial increment |
Ctrl+G | Increment grid by configured metric increment |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Decrement grid by configured metric increment |
H | Toggle the visibility of the refdes or value attached to the component under the cursor |
Shift+H | Toggle the visibility of the refdes or value attached to selected components |
Ctrl+H | Toggle plating of a via. Used to produce non metalized mounting holes |
J | Toggle the polygon clear flag of the line under the cursor |
Shift+J | Toggle the polygon clear flag of selected lines |
K | Increment clearance (soldermask to copper edge) |
Shift+K | Decrement clearance (soldermask to copper edge (NOTE: can go negative!)) |
Ctrl+K | Increment clearance of selected objects (soldermask to copper edge) |
Shift+Ctrl+K | Decrement clearance of selected objects (soldermask to copper edge) |
L | Increment width of the line tool, adds to the settings of the current line style |
Shift+L | Reduce the current linewidth |
M | Move the object under the cursor to the current layer |
Shift+M | Move selected objects to the current working layer (see pcb tip) |
Ctrl+M | Set the origin to the current position of the mouse pointer |
N | Show object refdes / pin number at mouse pointer |
Shift+N | Select the shortest unselected rat on the board |
O | Optimize and redraw all rats |
Shift+O | Optimize and redraw selected nets only |
Ctrl+O | Toggle the octagon flag of the object under the cursor |
Shift+P | Connect the first point of a polygon with the last |
Q | Toggle square/round corners on pads |
Shift+R | Redo what was undone with undo |
Ctrl+R | Show object report |
S | Increment size of the object under the cursor |
Shift+S | Decrement size of the object under the cursor |
Alt+S | Increase the hole of the object under the cursor |
Alt+Shift+S | Decrease the hole of the object under the cursor |
Ctrl+S | Increase the hole of the object under the cursor |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Decrease the hole size |
T | Increase the size of new text by 10 mil |
Shift+T | Decrease the size of new text by 10 mil |
V | Global view of working area |
Shift+V | Increase the diameter of new vias by 5 mil |
Ctrl+V | Paste from buffer |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Decrease the diameter of new vias by 5 mil |
Alt+V | Increase the drill diameter of new vias by 5 mil |
Shift+Alt+V | Decrease the drill diameter of new vias by 5 mil |
Ctrl+X | Cut selection to buffer |
Z | View: zoom in |
Shift+Z | View: zoom out |
F1 | Enter via tool |
F2 | Enter line tool |
F3 | Enter arc tool |
F4 | Enter text tool |
F5 | Enter rectangle tool |
F6 | Enter polygon tool |
F7 | Enter buffer mode |
F8 | Enter remove mode |
F9 | Enter rotate mode |
F10 | File menu |
F11 | Enter select mode (same as Space, or Esc) |
F12 | Enter lock mode |