Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+? | Open the Keyboard Shortcuts List |
Alt+N | Opens the Navigation Panel |
Alt+H | Navigates to Homepage |
F1 | Open the Wikipedia |
Esc on Drag and Drop | Cancel a Drag & Drop Action |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc | Closes the Navigation panel |
Down Arrow | Move Down to the Next action item in A Loop |
Up Arrow | Move Up to the Next action item in A Loop |
Left Arrow | Open Sub menu if Available |
Right Arrow | Close Sub menu if in Focus |
Enter | Opens the sub items menu if Available else Go to Selected SubItem Page |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Up Arrow | Selects the User Above |
Down Arrow | Selects the User Aelow |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Enter | If only One cell is Selected Opens the popup editor else Do Nothing |
F2 | If editor is Opened Select the content if exists |
Alt+PgUp | Get the previous page in the grid |
Alt+PgDn | Get the next page in the grid |
Up Arrow/Down Arrow | Moves one cell up or down and sets the new cell as selected |
Tab/Right Arrow | Moves the selected cell one cell to the Right if Entire Row is Highlighted |
Shift+Tab/Left Arrow | Moves the selected cell one cell to the Left if Entire Row is Highlighted |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V | Copy/Cut/Paste Selected Cell or Rows |
Insert | Inserts a task in the WBS in its correct hierarchy |
Del | Deletes the entire line |
Ctrl+F2 | Creates New Predecessor |
Ctrl+Shift+F2 | Removes dependencies |
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow | Removes an indentation |
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow | Adds an indentation |
Alt+Shift++ | Expands |
Alt+Shift+- | Collapses |
Ctrl+R | Refreshes the data inside the grid |
Alt+A | Adds a selection in Relevant Context when only one is Available |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Enter | Adds a new line when the cursor is in a multi-line text box |
Ctrl+Enter | Save |
Shift+Enter | Save and Create New (where applicable) |
Esc | Simulates Cancel Mouse click |
Tab | Moves focus between Controls in the editor |
Shift+Tab | Moves focus between Controls in an Editor in Reverse order |
Backspace | Delete Previous Character While Typing |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Right Arrow | Moves the selected cell one cell to the Right in days for days, work week, week and month views |
Left Arrow | Moves the selected cell one cell to the Left in days for days, work week, week and month views |
Up Arrow/Down Arrow | Moves one cell up or down and sets the new cell as selected in days for days, work week, week, and month views |
PgUp | Move focus to the Next Timeframe for days, work week, week and month views |
PgDn | Move focus to the Previous Timeframe for days, work week, week and month views |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab | Moves between the input fields |
Shift+Tab | Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order |
Enter | Adds a new line when the cursor is in a multi-line text box |
Ctrl+Enter | Performs relevant action if the focus is on a button (OK, Cancel, Done, etc.) |
Esc | Cancel in Multiple Button and Done in Single Button PopUp |
Shift+Enter | Save and adds New if applicable |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab | Moves between the input fields |
Shift+Tab | Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order |
Enter | Performs relevant action if the focus is on a button (OK, Cancel, Today etc.) |
Esc | Cancel |
Left Arrow/Right Arrow | Moves between dates |
Spacebar | Makes Selection Date in Calender |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab | Moves between the input fields |
Shift+Tab | Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order |
Enter | Performs Relevant Action if the Focus is on a Button (OK, Cancel etc.) |
Esc | In the textual search,Removes the text and the filter Whether If filter Popup open,Simulate Cancel |
Spacebar | Makes Selection |
Down Arrow | When the Cursor is in Module type ahead Search - Opens the Global filter |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Enter | Adds new line in the message |
Ctrl+Enter | Sends a post |
@ | Link Users or Groups to a Discussion |
# | Link Items to a Discussion |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+S | Sends email in the email popup window |
Ctrl+Enter/Shift+Enter | Save note |