Shortcuts Unity Desktop for Linux

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Unity Desktop for Linux which is used on the operating system Linux, in this hotkeys description 25 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


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Win Tap to open the dash with focus in the search box. Begin typing to find files or applications.
Arrow Keys Navigate search results
Enter Launch selected item.
Win+F Open the find files dash
Win+A Open the Applications dash
Tab (in Applications dash) focus application category list on the right of the search box. Select category fitler with arrow keys.
Alt+F2 Open the dash for entering commands.


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Win Hold to place focus on the Launcher.
Win+1 ... 9 Launch the application in the 1...9th position from the top of the Launcher. Hold down win to see the numbers corresponding to each icon.
Shift+Win+1 ... 9 Launch a new instance of the application in the 1...9th position from the top of the Launcher.
Alt+F1 Open the launcher with keyboard focus. Use arrow up/down to select an application icon, enter to launch, and arrow right to open an applications

Arrange Windows

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Ctrl+Alt+num 1...9 Place window in the area of the screen indicated by the num key (e.g. use num 2 to place the window in the bottom half of the screen)
Ctrl+Alt+num 0 Maximize current window

Manage Windows and Workspaces

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Win+S Expo mode. Expands all workspaces into a single view.
Win+D Minimize all windows to show the desktop. Restore all windows by hitting again.
Win+W Spread view of all windows on all workspaces.
Shift+Alt+Arrow Up Expo mode for windows in the current workspace only.
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Keys Change to workspace left/right/up/down.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys Move current window to workspace left/right/up/down.


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F10 Open first application menu item (e.g.
Ctrl+Alt+T Launch a terminal
Win+T Open trash
Ctrl+Alt+L Lock the screen
printscreen Take a screenshot of the current view.
Alt+printscreen Take a screenshot of the current window.
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Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1380
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program