Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F12 or B | Open and close Firebug Panel |
Ctrl+f, then shift+Tab | With Firebug Panel open, will put focus on the Panel (via the Firefox Find Box). Does not always work depending on what Panel is open |
Ctrl+F12 | Open Firebug in window (for some reason sometimes pressing ctrl+f12 again closes Firefox, use ctrl+w to close the Firebug window instead |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Toggle Inspect Mode |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Focus Command Line |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Focus Search Box |
F1 | Firebug Help Page |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Arrow Down/Arrow Up | One line down / one line up |
Ctrl+Arrow Down/Ctrl+Arrow Up | One Node up / one Node down |
Arrow Left/Arrow Right | Collapse / Expand current node |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab/Shift+Tab | Jump to next / jump to previous field |
Arrow Up/ arrow down field with number value | Increase / decrease number by 1 |
Page Up/ page down field with number value | Increase / decrease number by 10 |
Enter | Finish editing |
Esc | Cancel editing |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F8 | Continue |
F10 | Step Over |
F11 | Step Into |
Shift+F11 | Step Out |
Click on line number | Toggle breakpoint |
shift'click on line number | Disable breakpoint |
right-click on line number | Edit breakpoint condition |
Ctrl+./Ctrl+, | Next / previous function on stack |
Ctrl+Space | Focus Scripts Location Menu |
Ctrl+Shift+N | Focus Watch Side Panel |