Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
H | Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the current context |
Up,Down,Left,Right | Moves the focus from one app to another |
Enter | Performs an action on an app: open feed reader for RSS, start editing for a webnote, etc. |
E | Opens the edit panel for the current app |
R | Refresh the current app |
D | Remove the app from your page |
Esc | Removes focus from current app |
1,2,…,0 | Switch quickly to the tab you want |
j/k | Switches to the previous/next tab |
S | Open settings pannel |
T+H | Opens the Tab help panel |
A | Opens the content panel that allows you to add new content to your Netvibes page |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Up,Down,Left,Right | Moves the current app around |
Shift+T | Move the current app to top |
Shift+B | Move the current app to bottom |
Shift+A | Only for RSS apps |
Shift+U | Only for RSS apps |
Shift+D | take an exact clone of the selected app |
Shift+C | Collapse/Expand the selected app |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
T+N | Append a new tab to your tabs |
T+D | Deletes the current tab, modules will be moved to another tab (hold shift/alt to delete modules too) |
T+R | Renames the current tab |
T+P | Submit this tab to the Netvibes ecosystem |
T+1,2,3,4 | Sets the number of columns to 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the current tab |
T+O | Opens current tab options |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
H | Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the content panel |
A | Opens the content subscription popup |
E | Go to the netvibes ecosystem |
Esc | Close the content panel |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
H | Display the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the feed reader |
P | Read previous item |
N | Read next item |
Up | Scroll in content and read previous item |
Down | Scroll in content and read next item |
Space | Scroll in content and read next unread item |
A | Marks all items as read |
U | Mark the selected item as unread |
Shift+U | Marks all items as unread |
Esc | Closes the feedreader window and goes back to your Netvibes page. |
I | Display the full website into the feed reader |
F | Switch reader size |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
j, k | Previous/Next item |
Up | Previous item with smooth scroll in item |
Down | Previous item with smooth scroll in item |
Space | Scroll in content and read next unread item |
L | Open item link in new windows |
w, f | Switch to website/rss view |
A | Marks all current item as read |
Shift+A | Marks all current item as unread |
U | Marks current item as read/unread |
R | Flag/unflag current item to read it later |
1,2,3 | List/Expanded/Mosaic view |
S | Toggle sidebar |
Shift+up/down | Navigate through the sections and feeds |
Shift+right | Expand the focused section if collapsed or load it |
Shift+left | Collapse the focused section |
Shift+O | Load the focused feed or section |