Shortcuts Adobe Audition for Windows

This is a great program designed to handle audio.

Audio General Operations

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Spacebar Start/stop playback
Home Set time indicator to beginning
End Set time indicator to end
8 Switch Waveform/Multitrack editor
Ctrl+Left Arrow Set time indicator to previous marker/clip
Ctrl+Right Arrow Set time indicator to next marker/clip
Shift+X Toggle Preference for return cti to start position
= Zoom in horizontally
Alt+= Zoom in vertically
- Zoom out horizontally
Alt+- Zoom out vertically

Audio Editing Operations

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+R Repeat previous command with clicking OK
Ctrl+R Repeat previous command with not clicking OK
Shift+T Open Convert sample type dialog box
Shift+P Capture noise reduction profile
Up Arrow Activate left channel for editing
Down Arrow Activate right channel for editing
Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow Make display more logarithmic
Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow Make display more linear
Ctrl+Alt+PgUp Make display full logarithmic
Ctrl+Alt+PgDn Make display full linear
Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow/Down Arrow Increse/Decrese spectral resolution
Ctrl+R Repeat last command

Mixing Tracks

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+Select Select the same input/output for all audio track
Ctrl+Shift+Click Activate or deactivate mute/solo/record tracks
Shift+Drag Adjust Knob in large increment
Ctrl+Drag Adjust knob in small increment
Shift+Drag Maintain time position
Ctrl+Drag Reposition envelop segment without Keyframe
Alt+, Nudge Selected clip to left
Alt+Period Nudge Selected clip to right

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
M/* Add marker
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow Move to next marker
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow Move to previous marker
Ctrl+G Clip gain
Ctrl+K Split
Ctrl+0 Delete Selected marker
Ctrl+Alt+0 Delete All Marker
/ Rename selected marker
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Shift+A Deselect All
B Spot Healing Brush
Shift+Bkspace Ripple delete selected clip
Alt+Bkspace Time selection in selected clip
Ctrl+Alt+Bkspace Time selection in all track
Ctrl+C Copy
Alt+Shift+C Copy to new
D Lasso selection tool
Del Delete
E Mark selection tool
Ctrl+E Edit original
Esc Clear time selection
Shift+H Zero crossing adjust left side to left
Shift+I Zero crossing adjust selection inward
Shift+J Zero crossing adjust left side to right
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V Copy/Cut/Paste
Ctrl+Shift+V Mix Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
F Select frequency selection tool
R Select rectangular marquee tool
S Snapping enabled
Ctrl+T Crop
R Razor tool
V Move tool
Y Slip tool
P Paintbrush selection tool
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 14.03.2019
Page views: 2065
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program