Shortcuts IrfanView for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the IrfanView for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 121 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Space/Backspace Load next / previous image in current directory
Arrow Right/Arrow Left/Page Up/Page Down Load next / previous image in current directory (when not zoomed)
Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down Next / previous page in a multipage image (e.g. a scan)
Ctrl+1 ? 9 Move forward 1 - 9 images in the current directory
Ctrl+Shift+1 ? 9 Move backward 1 - 9 images in the current directory
Ctrl+Home/End Load first / last image in current directory
Home/End Load first / last image in current directory (when not zoomed)
X/Shift+X Tag / untag current image
Shift+Q Show tagged files in Thumbnails window

File Handling

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F2/F6 Rename file
B Batch convert or rename
O Open
P Properties
S Save as?
Shift+E Open image in external viewer/editor
Ctrl+M Open random image from current directory
Ctrl+N Open current image in new window
Ctrl+P Print
D Edit delete (NOTE: this command removes the file from the program\\\'s display, bit does NOT delete the file.)
Ctrl+S Save dialog
Shift+R Reopen
Ctrl+Alt+P Direct print image (no dialog box)
Shift+N New image

View / Zoom

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Enter Toggle fullscreen mode
F Toggle fit images to desktop and fit window to image
F5/U Refresh view
Ctrl+H Original size (reset zoom)
Shift+W Fit image to window
[+]/= Zoom in
- Zoom out
Arrow Keys Scroll image (when zoomed)
Page Up/Page Down Scroll to the top / bottom of an image (when zoomed)
Home/End Scroll to the left / right edge of an image (when zoomed)
Shift+F Fit only big images to desktop
Shift+L Lock/unlock zoom factor (applies to all loaded images)
Shift+O Fit window to image
Ctrl+Shift+W Toggle stretching image across all monitors

Basic Image Editing

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
H Horizontal flip
V Vertical flip
I Image information
L Rotate 90 degrees left
R Rotate 90 degrees right
Ctrl+U Custom rotation dialog
Shift+G Enhance colors
Shift+S Sharpen
Shift+U Auto color correction
Shift+Y Red eye reduction (on selected area)

Copy / Paste / Select

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Delete Delete image
Insert Paste image
F7 Move file
F8 Copy file
Shift+Arrow Keys Move the selection rectangle
Ctrl+A Select/unselect all
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Shift+P Copy current image name
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Crop image to selection
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Y Auto crop image borders
Shift+C Create custom selection

Main Program Window

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Esc Close current window or dialog,exit fullscreen view, or exit program
F1 Help
A About Irfanview dialog
G Stop .GIF animation
T Thumbnails window
Tab Switch focus between thumbnails window and main window
Ctrl+Tab Cycle focus in the thumbnails window
M Minimize the IrfanView window
Alt+Shift+S Show/hide status bar
Alt+Shift+T Show/hide toolbar bar
Alt+Shift+M Show/hide menu bar
Alt+Shift+C Show/hide window title and borders

Fullscreen Mode

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Enter Toggle fullscreen mode
Esc Exit fullscreen mode
1 Show image as original size (1:1)
2 Fit only large images to screen
3 Fit all images to screen
4 Stretch all images to screen
5 Fit image width to screen
6 Fit image height to screen height
num 5 Scroll to center of image
F Loop through full screen image fit options
F11 Show / hide the mouse in full screen mode (mouse reappears when moved)
N Toggle text display in full screen mode
Shift+L Lock/unlock zoom factor (applies current zoom to all loaded images)

Slideshow Controls

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F4 Add current image to slideshow
Shift+A Start/stop automatic viewing (windowed slideshow)
Ctrl+W Start slideshow with current directory and images
W Slideshow dialog
pause/break Pause / resume an automatic slideshow

Tools and Dialogs

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
C Capture dialog
F3 Show image in HEX viewer
F12 Paint dialog
Ctrl+B Browse subfolders dialog
Ctrl+E Effects dialog
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+G Create grayscale image
Ctrl+Q Edit multipage TIF file
Ctrl+R Resample dialog
Ctrl+T Insert text into selection
Ctrl+print Interactive screenshot tool
Shift+T Focuss the toolbar edit field
Shift+V Change canvas size
Ctrl+Shift+A Acquire / batch scan dialog
Ctrl+Shift+M Comment dialog (for JPG images)
Ctrl+Shift+C Set image as wallpaper - centered
Ctrl+Shift+T Set image as wallpaper - tiled
Ctrl+Shift+S Set image as wallpaper - stretched
Ctrl+Shift+P Set image as wallpaper - previous wallpaper


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
(Note: the following shortcuts require the to be installed) F9
Start OCR plugin on image or selection E
Show EXIF information K
Filter Factory dialog Ctrl+K
Open Adobe filters dialog (plugin required) Ctrl+I
Show IPTC info Shift+M
Email image Shift+J
JPG lossless operations (plugin required) Ctrl+Shift+J
Lossless JPG crop (Plugin required) Ctrl+Shift+L
Lossless JPG rotation - left (Plugin required) Ctrl+Shift+R
Lossless JPG rotation - right (Plugin required)
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 3582
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program