Shortcuts Inkscape for MacOS

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Inkscape for MacOS which is used on the operating system MacOS, in this hotkeys description 174 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F1,S Selector
Space Selector (temporary)
F2,N Node tool
F3,Z Zoom tool
F4,R Ractangle tool
F5,E Ellipse/arc tool
F6,F Freehand tool
Shift+F6,B Bezier tool
Command+F6,B Calligraphic tool
Command+F1,G Gradient tool
F7,D Dropper tool
F8,T Text tool
F9,I Spiral tool
Shift+F9 Star tool
Command+F2,O Connector tool


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+Command+F Fill and Stroke
Shift+Command+W Swatches
Shift+Command+T Text and font
Shift+Command+M Transform
Shift+Command+L Layers
Shift+Command+A Align and Distribute
Shift+Command+O Object Properties
Shift+Command+H Undo history
Shift+Command+X XML editor
Shift+Command+D Document preferences
Shift+Command+P Inkscape preferences
Shift+Command+E Export to PNG
Command+F Find
Shift+Option+B Trace bitmap
F12 Toggle dialogs
Esc Return to the canvas
Command+F4/Command+W Close the dialog
Tab Jump to the next widget
Shift+Tab Jump to previous widget
Enter Set the new value
Command+Enter In XML editor, set the attribute value
Space/Enter Activate current button or list
Command+Page Up/Command+Page Down In a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs

Controls bar

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Option+X Jump to the first editable filed
Tab Jump to next field
Shift+Tab Jump to previous field
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Change value by 0.1
Page Up/Page Down Change value by 5.0
Enter Accept the new value
Esc Cancel changes, return to canvas
Command+Z Cancel changes


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
=/plus Zoom in
- Zoom out
Middle click/Command+Right click Zoom in
Command+Mouse wheel Zoom in or out
Shift+Middle button drag Zoom into the area
Option+Z Activate zoon field
1 Zoom 1:1
2 Zoom 1:2
3 Zoom to selection
4 Zoom to drawing
5 Zoom to page
Command+E/6 Zoom to page width
' Perevious zoom
Shift+' Next zoom
Command+ arrows Scroll canvas
MIddle button drag Pan canvas
Shift+right button drag/Command+right button drag Pan canvas
Mouse wheel Scroll canvas vertically
Shift+Mouse wheel Scroll canvas horizontally
Mouse drag Drag off a ruler to create guide
|/Shift+\ Toggle guides and snapping to guides
#/Shift+3 Toggle grids and snapping to grids
% Toggle snapping on and off
Command+ Keypad 5 Toggle normal/outline mode


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Click Set fill color on selection
Shift+Click Set stroke color on selection
RIght click Set stroke color on selection
Mouse Drag Drag fill color to objects
Shift+Mouse drag Drag stroke color to objects


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+N Create new document
Command+O Open an SVG document
Shift+Command+E Export to PNG
Command+I Import bitmap or SVG
Command+P Print document
Command+S Save document
Shift+Command+S Save under a new name
Shift+Command+Option+S Save a copy
Command+Q Exit inkscape


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+R Toggle rulers
Command+B Toggle scrollbars
F11 Toggle fullscreen
F10 Main menu
Shift+F10/Right click Drop-down menu
Command+F4/Command+W Close document window
Command+Tab Next document window
Shift+Command+Tab Previous document window


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+Page Up Move to layer above
Shift+Page Down Move to layer below
Shift+Command+Page Up Raise layer
Shift+Command+Page Down Lower layer
Shift+Command+Home Raise layer to top
Shift+Command+End Lower layer to bottom


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+Command+Y/Command+Z Undo
Shift+Command+Z,/Command+Y Redo
Command+C Copy selection
Command+X Cut selection
Command+V Paste clipboard
Command+Option+V Paste in place
Shift+Command+V Paste style
Command+7 Paste path effect
Command+D Duplicate selection
Option+D Clone object
Shift+Option+D Unlink clone
Shift+D Select original
Option+B Create a bitmap copy
Shift+Option+B Trace bitmap
Option+I Object to pattern
Shift+Option+I Pattern to objects
Shift+Command+U/Command+G Group selected objects
Shift+Command+G/Command+U Ungroup selected objects
Home Raise selection to top
End Lower selection to bottom
Page Up Raise selection one step
Page Down Lower selection one step

Dropper Tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Click Pick fill color
Shift+Click Pick stroke color
Mouse drag Average fill color
Shift+Mouse drag Average stroke color
Option+Click Pink inverse color
Command+C Copy color

Calligraphy tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Mouse drag Draw a calligraphic line
Shift+Mouse drag Add to selected path
Command+Mouse drag Track a guide path
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Adjust pen width by 1
Home/End Set pen width to 1 or 100
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Adjust pen angle
Esc Deselect

Paint Bucket

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Click Fill a bounded area
Shift+Click Add to selected path
Mouse drag Fill from each point
Option+Mouse drag Fill from each point same as initial point
Command+Click Set fill color
Shift+Command+Click Set stroke color

Spiral Tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Mouse drag Draw a spiral
Command+Mouse drag Snap spiral to angle steps
Click Click to select
Option+Click/Command+Option+Click Select under
Shift+Click Toggle selection
Esc Deselect
Mouse drag Roll/unroll from inside (inner handle)
Option+Mouse drag Converge/diverge (inner handle)
Option+Click/Command+Option+Click Reset divergence (inner handle)
Shift+Click Zero inner radius (inner handle)
Mouse drag Roll/unroll from outside (outer handle)
Shift+Mouse drag Scale/rotate (outer handle)
Command+Mouse drag Snap handles to angle steps

Zoom Tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Click Zoom in
Shift+Click Zoom out
Mouse drag Zoom into the area

Pencil Tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Mouse drag Draw a freehand line
Shift+Mouse drag Add to selected path/Temporarily disable snapping
Command+Click Create a dot
Option+Command+Click Create a random-sized dot
Shift+Command+Click Create a double-sized dot

Tweak tool

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Mouse drag Act on selected paths in the current mode
Command+Mouse drag Act temporarily switching to shrink mode
Command+Shift+Mouse drag Act temporarily switching to grow mode
Shift+P Push mode
Shift+S Shrink mode
Shift+G Grow mode
Shift+A Attract mode
Shift+E Repel mode
Shift+R Roughen mode
Shift+C Color paint mode
Shift+J Color jitter mode
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Adjust brush width by
Home/End Set brush width by 1
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Adjust tweaking force
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 4745
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program