MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F1,S | Selector |
Space | Selector (temporary) |
F2,N | Node tool |
F3,Z | Zoom tool |
F4,R | Ractangle tool |
F5,E | Ellipse/arc tool |
F6,F | Freehand tool |
Shift+F6,B | Bezier tool |
Command+F6,B | Calligraphic tool |
Command+F1,G | Gradient tool |
F7,D | Dropper tool |
F8,T | Text tool |
F9,I | Spiral tool |
Shift+F9 | Star tool |
Command+F2,O | Connector tool |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Command+F | Fill and Stroke |
Shift+Command+W | Swatches |
Shift+Command+T | Text and font |
Shift+Command+M | Transform |
Shift+Command+L | Layers |
Shift+Command+A | Align and Distribute |
Shift+Command+O | Object Properties |
Shift+Command+H | Undo history |
Shift+Command+X | XML editor |
Shift+Command+D | Document preferences |
Shift+Command+P | Inkscape preferences |
Shift+Command+E | Export to PNG |
Command+F | Find |
Shift+Option+B | Trace bitmap |
F12 | Toggle dialogs |
Esc | Return to the canvas |
Command+F4/Command+W | Close the dialog |
Tab | Jump to the next widget |
Shift+Tab | Jump to previous widget |
Enter | Set the new value |
Command+Enter | In XML editor, set the attribute value |
Space/Enter | Activate current button or list |
Command+Page Up/Command+Page Down | In a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Option+X | Jump to the first editable filed |
Tab | Jump to next field |
Shift+Tab | Jump to previous field |
Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Change value by 0.1 |
Page Up/Page Down | Change value by 5.0 |
Enter | Accept the new value |
Esc | Cancel changes, return to canvas |
Command+Z | Cancel changes |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
=/plus | Zoom in |
- | Zoom out |
Middle click/Command+Right click | Zoom in |
Command+Mouse wheel | Zoom in or out |
Shift+Middle button drag | Zoom into the area |
Option+Z | Activate zoon field |
1 | Zoom 1:1 |
2 | Zoom 1:2 |
3 | Zoom to selection |
4 | Zoom to drawing |
5 | Zoom to page |
Command+E/6 | Zoom to page width |
' | Perevious zoom |
Shift+' | Next zoom |
Command+ arrows | Scroll canvas |
MIddle button drag | Pan canvas |
Shift+right button drag/Command+right button drag | Pan canvas |
Mouse wheel | Scroll canvas vertically |
Shift+Mouse wheel | Scroll canvas horizontally |
Mouse drag | Drag off a ruler to create guide |
|/Shift+\ | Toggle guides and snapping to guides |
#/Shift+3 | Toggle grids and snapping to grids |
% | Toggle snapping on and off |
Command+ Keypad 5 | Toggle normal/outline mode |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Click | Set fill color on selection |
Shift+Click | Set stroke color on selection |
RIght click | Set stroke color on selection |
Mouse Drag | Drag fill color to objects |
Shift+Mouse drag | Drag stroke color to objects |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Command+N | Create new document |
Command+O | Open an SVG document |
Shift+Command+E | Export to PNG |
Command+I | Import bitmap or SVG |
Command+P | Print document |
Command+S | Save document |
Shift+Command+S | Save under a new name |
Shift+Command+Option+S | Save a copy |
Command+Q | Exit inkscape |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Command+R | Toggle rulers |
Command+B | Toggle scrollbars |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen |
F10 | Main menu |
Shift+F10/Right click | Drop-down menu |
Command+F4/Command+W | Close document window |
Command+Tab | Next document window |
Shift+Command+Tab | Previous document window |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Page Up | Move to layer above |
Shift+Page Down | Move to layer below |
Shift+Command+Page Up | Raise layer |
Shift+Command+Page Down | Lower layer |
Shift+Command+Home | Raise layer to top |
Shift+Command+End | Lower layer to bottom |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Command+Y/Command+Z | Undo |
Shift+Command+Z,/Command+Y | Redo |
Command+C | Copy selection |
Command+X | Cut selection |
Command+V | Paste clipboard |
Command+Option+V | Paste in place |
Shift+Command+V | Paste style |
Command+7 | Paste path effect |
Command+D | Duplicate selection |
Option+D | Clone object |
Shift+Option+D | Unlink clone |
Shift+D | Select original |
Option+B | Create a bitmap copy |
Shift+Option+B | Trace bitmap |
Option+I | Object to pattern |
Shift+Option+I | Pattern to objects |
Shift+Command+U/Command+G | Group selected objects |
Shift+Command+G/Command+U | Ungroup selected objects |
Home | Raise selection to top |
End | Lower selection to bottom |
Page Up | Raise selection one step |
Page Down | Lower selection one step |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Click | Pick fill color |
Shift+Click | Pick stroke color |
Mouse drag | Average fill color |
Shift+Mouse drag | Average stroke color |
Option+Click | Pink inverse color |
Command+C | Copy color |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Mouse drag | Draw a calligraphic line |
Shift+Mouse drag | Add to selected path |
Command+Mouse drag | Track a guide path |
Arrow Left/Arrow Right | Adjust pen width by 1 |
Home/End | Set pen width to 1 or 100 |
Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Adjust pen angle |
Esc | Deselect |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Click | Fill a bounded area |
Shift+Click | Add to selected path |
Mouse drag | Fill from each point |
Option+Mouse drag | Fill from each point same as initial point |
Command+Click | Set fill color |
Shift+Command+Click | Set stroke color |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Mouse drag | Draw a spiral |
Command+Mouse drag | Snap spiral to angle steps |
Click | Click to select |
Option+Click/Command+Option+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Esc | Deselect |
Mouse drag | Roll/unroll from inside (inner handle) |
Option+Mouse drag | Converge/diverge (inner handle) |
Option+Click/Command+Option+Click | Reset divergence (inner handle) |
Shift+Click | Zero inner radius (inner handle) |
Mouse drag | Roll/unroll from outside (outer handle) |
Shift+Mouse drag | Scale/rotate (outer handle) |
Command+Mouse drag | Snap handles to angle steps |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Click | Zoom in |
Shift+Click | Zoom out |
Mouse drag | Zoom into the area |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Mouse drag | Draw a freehand line |
Shift+Mouse drag | Add to selected path/Temporarily disable snapping |
Command+Click | Create a dot |
Option+Command+Click | Create a random-sized dot |
Shift+Command+Click | Create a double-sized dot |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Mouse drag | Act on selected paths in the current mode |
Command+Mouse drag | Act temporarily switching to shrink mode |
Command+Shift+Mouse drag | Act temporarily switching to grow mode |
Shift+P | Push mode |
Shift+S | Shrink mode |
Shift+G | Grow mode |
Shift+A | Attract mode |
Shift+E | Repel mode |
Shift+R | Roughen mode |
Shift+C | Color paint mode |
Shift+J | Color jitter mode |
Arrow Left/Arrow Right | Adjust brush width by |
Home/End | Set brush width by 1 |
Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Adjust tweaking force |