Shortcuts Zoho Sheet for MacOS

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Zoho Sheet for MacOS which is used on the operating system MacOS, in this hotkeys description 77 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

File Operations

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+N New File
Command+O Open file
Command+Shift+S Save As File
Command+P Print File


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Z Undo last action
Command+Y Redo last action
F4 /Command+Y / Option+Return Repeat last action
Command+Shift+ L Filter
Command+R Fill to The Right
Command+D Fill Down
Shift+F2 Add / Edit cell note
Command+K Add / Edit Hyperlink
Option +F11 Open VBA Editor
Option+F8 Run Macros / View Macros List
Shift+F11 Insert a new worksheet
Command+Shift++ Insert Columns
Command+Option++ Insert Rows
Command+X Cut
Command+C Copy
Command+V Paste
Command+Shift+1 Format Cells
Command+F / F3 Find within spreadsheet
Command+H Replace
Command+F3 Names Ranges
Command+Shift+Q Toggle Auto Completion On / Off
Option+Arrow Down Display the auto suggest list (Pick from List)
Command+Shift+;; Insert the current time in cell
Command+; Insert the current date in cell

Editing Shortcuts

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Return Insert Line Break in Cell
Del Delete one character to left while typing in a cell
Delete Delete one character to right/left while typing in a cell
Command+Shift+F Focus Formula Field
Esc Cancel cell entry
F2 Edit active cell

Formatting Shortcuts

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+B/Command+Shift+2 Bold toggle for selection
Command+I/Command+Shift+3 Italic toggle for selection
Command+Shift+5 Strikethrough toggle for selection
Command+U/Command+Shift+4 Underline toggle for selection
MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Arrow Down Data Region Down
Command+Arrow Up Data Region Up
Command+Shift+N Focus Name Box
Option+Right Arrow Move to next worksheet in a spreadsheet
Option +Left Arrow Move to previous worksheet in a spreadsheet
Command+G Go to cell command
Command+End Go to last cell in data region
Command+Home Go to first cell in data region
PgDn Down one screen
PgUp Up one screen
Tab Move to next cell in row
Shift+Tab Move to previous cell in row
Command+Left Arrow/ Command+Right Arrow Select Data Region to the Left / to the Right

Shortcuts for Objects (Images,charts,buttons etc)

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab Navigate to the next object
Shift+Tab Navigate to the previous object
F2 Edit mode
Esc Return the focus to the active cell
Esc Cancel dragging the object
Command+Click Select/Focus the object
Arrow Keys Move the selected object in the desired direction
Command+Arrow Keys Snap the the object's left/top with the adjacent cell
Command+Shift+Arrow Keys Snap the the object's right/bottom with the adjacent cell


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Shift+Arrow Left/Command+Shift+Arrow Right Select Data Region to the Left/ to the Right
Command+Shift+Arrow Up/Command+Shift+Arrow Down Select Data Region Up/down
Command+Shift+Home Select from current cell to the first cell A1
Command+Shift+End Select from current cell to the last cell in the data region
Shift+Home Select from current cell to the first cell in the same row
Shift+End Select from current cell to the last cell in the same row
Command +A Select whole spreadsheet
Command+Spacebar Select column
Shift+Spacebar Select row
MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Shift+U Toggle Expand and Collapse of Formula Bar
Command+Shift+Return Insert Array Formula on a range of cells
Command+/ Select the range of array formula cells surrounding a cell
= Start a formula
F9 Recalculate Formulas
F4 Toggle absolute and relative references
Option+= Auto Sum
Shift+F3 Show Function Dialog Box
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 25.01.2019
Page views: 1466
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program