Shortcuts HipChat for Web Application

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the HipChat for Web Application which is used on the operating system Other OS, in this hotkeys description 13 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Room Actions

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
/join 'RoomName' Enter an existing HipChat Room
/part Leave the Room that you have joined
/topic 'NewTopicName' Change the Topic of the Current Room

Setting Your Status

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
/available Msg Set status as Available(Green) and Optionally include the Msg
/away Msg Set status as Away(Yellow) and Optionally include the Msg
/dnd Msg Set status as Do Not Disturb(Red) and Optionally include the Msg

Formatting Message

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
/code CodeBlock Display the message with Code Syntax highlighting
/quote message Use Special Message formatting when you quote someone
/clear Clear chat history in current room
/me message Chat about yourself in the third person
s/misspelled word/corrected word/ Fix Your Typos
#ColorHexCode Show hexadecimal web colors right in HipChat
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Date of change: 05.02.2019
Page views: 1454
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program