Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Spacebar/P | Play/Pause |
X | Stop |
Esc | Exit |
F | Fast forward |
R | Rewind |
Up Arrow+] | Forward 10 minute or next video |
Right Arrow+. | Forward 30 seconds/Next track |
Down Arrow+[ | Backward 10 minutes |
Left Arrow+, | Backward 30 seconds/Previous track |
M | On screen menu |
H/Tab | Exit main menu |
A | Cycle through audio tracks |
S | Subtitle on/off |
O | Progress bar |
I | Playback Info Diagnostic |
L | Cycle through subtitle |
Z | Cycle through view modes |
+/- | Increse/Decrese Volume |
F6 | Media Items |
Up arrow | Move Up |
Down Arrow | Move Down |
Right Arrow | Move Right |
Left Arrow | Move Left |
Enter | Select current item |
H | Back to Homescreen |
Ctrl+A | Switches to the previous audio track |
Ctrl+L | Switch to previous subtitle track |
Alt+A | Increase audio delay |
Alt+S | Increase Subtitle delay |
Alt+Shift+A | Decrease audio delay |
Alt+Shift+S | Decrease subtitle delay |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Left Arrow | Navigate left |
Right Arrow | Navigate Right |
Up Arrow | Navigate Up |
Down Arrow | Navigate Down |
Esc | Exit/Back |
Enter | Select current item |
P | Start Playback of selected item |
C | Open Context Menu |
H | Go to homescreen |
\ | Window/FullScreen mode |
Q | Perform the add to up next action |
Shift+A..Z | Go to items beginning with the specified letter |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F11/Alt+Enter | FullScreen Desktop(From Windowed) |
Shift+F11 | Fullscreen TV(From Windowed) |
F11/Shift+F11/Alt+Enter | Exit FullScreen to Windowed |
Win+Down Arrow | Minimize Windows |