Shortcuts Silhouette Studio for MacOS

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Silhouette Studio for MacOS which is used on the operating system MacOS, in this hotkeys description 84 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Shift+S Save as
Command+Alt+R Save to library
Comman+W Close odcument
Command+Q Quit


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
G Grid
Command+Fn+F4 Grid settings
Command+Fn+F1 Page settings
Command+Shift+P Print border
Command+Shift+I Cut border


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Shift+] Bring to front
Command+] Bring forward
Command+Shift+[ Send to back
Command+[ Send backward


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+G Group
Command+E Make Compound path
Command+Shift+G Ungroup
Command+Shift+E Release compound path


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+N New
Command+O Open
Command+S Save
Command+P Print
Command+C Copy
Command+V Paste
Command+X Cut
Command+Z Undo
Command+Shift+Z Redo
Spacebar Pan
Z Drag zoom
Command+1 Fit to window


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+F Paste in format
Command+D Duplicate
Command+A Select all
Command+Shift+A Deselect all
F7 Spelling
Command+K Preferences


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
V Select
A Edit points
\ Line
R Rectangle
Shift+R Rounded rectangle
E Ellipse
P Polygon
C Curve
F Freehand
Shift+F Smooth freehand
Shift+A Arc
Shift+P Regular polygon
T Text
Shift+E Eraser
K Knife
Command+Alt+D Show drawing area
Command+Alt+L Show library
Command+Alt+S Show online store
I Eyedropper


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+I Send to silhouette
Command+Fn+F2 Cut settings window
CommandFn+F3 Registration marks window


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Left arrow Duplicate left
Command+Right arrow Duplicate Right
Command+Up arrow Duplicate above
Command+Down arrow Duplicate below
Alt+Shift+Left arrow Mirror left
Alt+Shift+Right arrow Mirror right
Alt+Shift+Up arrow Mirror above
Alt+Shift+Down arrow Mirror below
Command+Fn+Shift+F1 Rotate 1 copy
Command+Fn+Shift+F2 Rotate 2 copies
Command+Fn+Shift+F3 Rotate 3 copies
Command+Fn+Shift+F4 Rotate 4 copies
Command+Fn+Shift+F5 Rotate 5 copies
Command+Shift+Right arrow Row of 3
Command+Alt+RIght arrow Row of 4
Command+Shift+Down arrow Column of 3
Command+Alt+Down arrow Column of 4
Command+Shift+F Fill page


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Command+Shift+W Weld


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
M Registration marks
Command+T Cut style = cut
Command+Shift+T Cut style = no cut
Command+R Rulers
Command+= Crosshairs
Double click Edit object
Command+Scroll wheel Scroll left/ right
Alt+Scroll wheel Zoom in/out
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1319
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program