F2 | Rename the selected node, file, or folder |
F3 | Disable selected nodes |
F4 | Enable selected nodes |
Delete | Delete selected nodes |
Arrow Left | Collapse a branch in the model tree |
Arrow Right | Expand a branch in the model tree |
Arrow Up | Move to the node above in the model tree |
Arrow Down | Move to the node below in the model tree |
Alt+Arrow Left | Move to the previously selected node in the model tree |
Alt+Arrow Right | Move to the next selected node in the model tree |
Ctrl+A | Select all domains, boundaries, edges, or points; select all cells in a table |
Ctrl+C | Copy text in fields |
Ctrl+D | Clear the selection of domains, boundaries, edges, or points |
Ctrl+F | Find a search string |
Ctrl+N | New model |
Ctrl+O | Open a model file |
Ctrl+P | Print the contents of the plot window |
Ctrl+S | Save a model file |
Ctrl+V | Paste copied text |
Ctrl+Y | Redo the last undone operation |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the last operation |
Ctrl+Arrow Up | Move a definitions node, geometry node, physics node (except default nodes), material node, mesh node, study step node, or results node up one step |
Ctrl+Arrow Down | Move a definitions node, geometry node, physics node (except default nodes), material node, mesh node, study step node, or results node down one step |
Ctrl+Tab | Switch focus to the next window on the desktop |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Switch focus to the previous window on the desktop |
Ctrl+Alt+A | Go to Application Builder |
Ctrl+Alt+M | Go to Model Builder |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Left | Switch focus to the Model Builder window |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Right | Switch focus to the Settings window |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up | Switch focus to the previous section in the Settings window |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down | Switch focus to the next section in the Settings window |
Menu key | Open the context menu |
Ctrl+Space | Open list of predefined quantities for insertion in Expression fields for plotting and results evaluation |