Shortcuts RStudio for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the RStudio for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 134 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+2 Move cursor to console
Ctrl+L Clean console
Home Move cursor to beginning of line
End Move cursor to end of line
Up/Down Navigate command history
Ctrl+Up Popup command history
Esc Interrupt currently executing command
Ctrl+Shift+H Change working directory


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+. Goto file/function
Ctrl+1 Move cursor to source editor
Ctrl+Shift+N New document (except on chrome/windows)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N New document (Chrome only)
Ctrl+O Open document
Ctrl+S Save active document
Ctrl+W Close active document (except on Chrome)
Ctrl+Alt+W Close active document (Chrome only)
Ctrl+Shift+W Close all open documents
Ctrl+Shift+K Preview HTML (markdown and HTML)
Ctrl+Shift+K Compile notebook/compile PDF (TeX and Sweave)
Ctrl+Alt+I Insert chunk (Sweave and Knitr)
Ctrl+Shift+R Insert code section
Ctrl+Enter Run current line/selection
Alt+Enter Run current line/selection (retain cursor position)
Ctrl+Shift+P Re-run previous region
Ctrl+Alt+R Run current document
Ctrl+Alt+B Run from document beginning to current line
Ctrl+Alt+E Run from current line to document end
Ctrl+Alt+F Run from current line to document end
Ctrl+Alt+T Run the current code section
Ctrl+Alt+P Run previous sweave/Rmd code
Ctrl+Alt+C Run the current Sweave/Rmd chunk
Ctrl+Alt+N Run the next Sweave/Rmd chunk
Ctrl+Shift+O Source a file
Ctrl+Shift+S Source the current document
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Source the current document (with echo)
Alt+L Fold selected
Shift+Alt+L Unfold selected
Alt+O Fold all
Shift+Alt+O Unfold all
Shift+Alt+G Go to line
Shift+Alt+J Jump to
Ctrl+Shift+. Switch to tab
Ctrl+F11 Previous tab
Ctrl+F12 Next tab
Ctrl+Shift+F11 First tab
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Last tab
Ctrl+F9 Navigate back
Ctrl+F10 Navigate forward
Ctrl+Alt+X Extract function from selection
Ctrl+Alt+V Extract variable from selection
Ctrl+I Reindent lines
Ctrl+Shift+C Comment/uncomment current line/selection
Ctrl+Shift+/ Reflow comment
Ctrl+Shift+A Reformat selection
Ctrl+Shift+Shift+P Show diagnostics
Alt+Up/Down Move lines Up/Down
Shift+Alt+Up/Down Copy lines Up/Down
Ctrl+P Jump to matching Brace/Paren
Ctrl+Shift+E Expand to matching Brace/Paren
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E Select to matching Brace/Paren
Ctrl+Alt+Up Add cursor above current cursor
Ctrl+Alt+Down Add cursor beow current cursor
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Move active cursor up
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down Move Active Cursor Down
Ctrl+F Find and replace
F3 Find next
Shift+F3 Find previous
Ctrl+F3 Use selection for find
Ctrl+Shift+J Replace and find
Ctrl+Shift+F Find in files
F7 Check spelling

Completions (Console and Source)

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab/Ctrl+Space Attempt completion
Up/Down Navigate candidates
Enter/Tab/Right Accept selected candidate
Esc Dismiss completion popup


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+1 Move focus to Source Editor
Ctrl+2 Move focus to Console
Ctrl+3 Move focus to Help
Ctrl+4 Show History
Ctrl+5 Show files
Ctrl+6 Show plots
Ctrl+7 Show packages
Ctrl+8 Show environment
Ctrl+9 Show git/svn
Ctrl+0 Show build
Ctrl+F8 Sync editor & pdf preview
Alt+Shift+K Reference


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+B Build and reload
Ctrl+Shift+L Load all (devtools)
Ctrl+Shift+T Test package (desktop)
Ctrl+Alt+F7 Test package (web)
Ctrl+Shift+E Check package
Ctrl+Shift+D Document package


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+F9 Toggle breakpoint
F10 Execute next line
Shift+F4 Step into function
Shift+F6 Finish function/loop
Shift+F5 Continue
Shift+F8 Stop debugging


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Alt+F11 Previous plot
Ctrl+Alt+F12 Next plot

Git / SVN

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Alt+D Diff active source document
Ctrl+Alt+M Commit changes
Ctrl+Up/Down Scroll diff view
Spacebar Stage/unstage(Git)
ENter Stage/unstage and move to next (Git)


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Q Quit Session (desktop only)
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Restart R Session

Editing (Console and Source)

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Left/Right Jump to word
Ctrl+Home/End/Ctrl+Up/Down Jump to start/end
Ctrl+D Delete line
Shift+Arrow Select
Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Select word
Alt+Shift+Left Select to line start
Alt+Shift+RIght Select to line end
Shift+Page Up/Shift+Page down Select page up/down
Ctrl+Shift+Home/End Select page start/end
Ctrl+Backspace Delete word left
Tab Indent
Shift+Tab Outdent
Ctrl+U Yank line up to cursor
Ctrl+K Yank line after cursor
Ctrl+Y Insert currently yanked text
Alt+- Insert assignment operator
Ctrl+Shift+M Insert pipe operator
F1 Show help for function at cursor
F2 Show source code for function at cursor
Ctrl+Alt+U Find usages for symbol at cursor (C++)
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1300
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program