Shortcuts Dynamics CRM for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Dynamics CRM for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 86 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Form Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab Move to the next option, option group, or field
Shift+Tab Move to the previous option, option group, or field
Enter Complete the command for the active option or button
Arrow Keys Move between options in an open list, or between options in a group of options
Esc Cancel a command, or close a selected list or dialog box
Ctrl+S/ Shift+F12 Save
Alt+S Save and Close
Esc Cancel edits and close (Close)
Spacebar/Enter Open search
Backspace Delete text from a field
Ctrl+D Delete the record (when forms are in Edit mode)
Ctrl+Shift+S Save and then open a new form (Save and New) (when forms are in Edit mode)
Tab Move to another field or command
Alt+Down Arrow Open the lookup menu with the most recently used items in alphabetical order
Ctrl+Shift+2 Open the list menu (when forms are in Edit mode)
Ctrl+GT Navigate to the next item on the list (when forms are in Edit mode)
Ctrl+LT Navigate to the previous item on the list (when forms are in Edit mode)
Enter Open lookup drop-down list
Esc Close lookup drop-down list
Ctrl+K Auto-resolve lookup value
Enter Open a record found in lookup with forms in Edit mode
Ctrl+Enter Open a record found in lookup with forms in Read-optimized mode
Alt+Shift+N Add a step in the business process editor
Ctrl+[ Tab to Command Bar when in the updated user experience
Ctrl+] Tab to process control when in the updated user experience
Ctrl+Shift+3 Tab to the Navigation Pane

Activity Feed

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+P Submit a post
Alt+S Post a status update
Alt+L Follow or unfollow
Alt+L Delete a selected post or comment
Alt+C Cancel a deletion

Accessibility Keyboard Shortcut

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift five times Switch Sticky Keys on and off
Right Shift for eight seconds Switch Filter Keys on and off
Num Lock for five seconds Switch Toggle Keys on and off
Left Alt+Left Shift+PrtScn Switch High Contrast on and off
Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock Switch Mouse Keys on and off
Alt+Shift+F10 Tab into an Active X control

MMC Shortcuts(Microsoft Management Console)

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+O Opens a saved snap-in console.
Ctrl+N Opens a new snap-in console.
Ctrl+S Saves the open snap-in console.
Ctrl+M Opens the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.
Ctrl+W Opens a new window.
F5 Refreshes the content of all snap-in console windows.
Alt+Spacebar Displays the MMC window menu.
Alt+F4 Closes the snap-in console.
Alt+A Displays the Action menu.
Alt+V Displays the View menu.
Alt+F Displays the File menu.
Alt+O Displays the Favorites menu.
Alt+W Displays the Window menu.
Alt+H Displays the Help menu.

MMC Active Window Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+P Prints the current page or active pane, if the snap-in implements the printing function.
Alt+- Displays the window menu for the active snap-in console window.
Shift+F10 Displays the Action shortcut menu for the selected item.
F1 Opens the Help topic, if any, for the selected item.
F5 Refreshes the content of all snap-in console windows.
Ctrl+F10 Maximizes the active snap-in console window.
Ctrl+F5 Restores the active snap-in console window.
Alt+Enter Displays the properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item.
F2 Renames the selected item.
Ctrl+F4 Closes the active snap-in console window. When a snap-in console has only one window, this closes the snap-in console.

General Purpose Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+5 Minimize ribbon
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/ Ctrl+V Copy/Cut/Paste
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y Undo / Redo previous text change
Ctrl+S Save a record
Esc Close a record
Delete Delete text
Shift+Delete Delete selected text immediately without putting it on the Clipboard
Ctrl+[/Ctrl+] Move to the first tab / last tab on the ribbon
Ctrl+Arrow Right/Ctrl+Arrow Left Move the insertion point to the start of the next word / start of the previous word
Ctrl+A Select all text in the current field
Alt+Spacebar Display the System menu for the active window
Shift+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Esc Cancel the current task or command, or close a selected list or dialog box
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move up / move down through a list of records
Enter Open the selected record
Ctrl+A Select all records on the current page
Ctrl+Shift+3 Jump to the sitemap
Ctrl+Shift+7 Open the recently viewed pages and view menu
Shift+Arrow Up/Shift+Arrow Down Select multiple rows in a list sequentially
Tab to the check box then Spacebar Select multiple rows in a list non-sequentially
Ctrl+Enter Publish Form Editor customization

Dialog Box Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab/Shift+Tab Move to the next / move to previous option or option group
Enter Complete the command for the active option or button
Arrow Keys Move between options in an open list, or between options in a group of options
Esc Cancel a command, or close a selected list or dialog box
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1464
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program