Shortcuts Resident Evil 7 for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Resident Evil 7 for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 25 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Weapon Cheats

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Handgun Increase Chance of HeadShot by Factor of 5
Red 9 Increasee Firepower to 5.0
Blacktail Increase Firepower to 3.4
Matilda Imcrease Magazine Capacity to 100
Punisher Each ullet can Pentrate up to 5 Bodies
Riotgun Increase Firepower to 10.0
Striker Increase Magazine Capacity to 100
Rifle Increase Firepower to 18.0
Semiauto Rifle Decrease Firing Speed to 0.4 Seconds
Broken Butterfly Increase Damage to 50.0
Killer7 No Exclusive Power
TMP Increase Firepower to 1.8
Minethrower Adds homing ability to mines and Increases their blast radii
Shotgun Increase Effective Damage Range og the Gun

Trainer Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Numpad 0 Knok Down Unlead
Numpad 1 Unlimited Health
Numpad 2 Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 3 Noo Reload
Numpad 4 9 Inventory Items
Numpad 5 999 Inventory Items
Numpad 6 1 Inventory Items
Numpad 7 Deactivate Enemies
Numpad 8 Fast Movement
Numpad 9 Super Damage
Numpad * Reset Game Timer
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Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1400
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program