Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+N | Creates a new, initially blank file |
Ctrl+O | Opens an existing audio file |
Ctrl+S | Saves the selected audio file to the hard disk drive |
Shift+Ctrl+S | Saves the active audio file with a different file name and/or location, in a different file format |
Ctrl+P | Opens the File Info window |
Ctrl+Tab | Navigates through the audio files loaded into the program |
Ctrl+W | Closes the selected audio file |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+A | Selects Entire Waveform |
Ctrl+Z | Undo, reverses the last command or action |
Shift+Ctrl+Z | Redo, repeats the last command or action |
Ctrl+X | Cuts a waveform to internal clipboard |
Ctrl+C | Copies a selection to internal clipboard |
Ctrl+V | Pastes from internal clipboard |
Ctrl+T | Trims to selection |
Delete | Deletes selection |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Left Arrow | Move cursor left on the Timeline |
Right Arrow | Move cursor right on the Timeline |
Home | Move cursor to the beginning of the waveform on the Timeline |
End | Move cursor to the end of the waveform on the Timeline |
Spacebar | Starts/stops playing the selected audio file |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Left Arrow | Increase the left selection boundary |
Shift+Right Arrow | Increase the right selection boundary |
Ctrl+Left Arrow | Decrease the left selection boundary |
Ctrl+Right Arrow | Decrease the right selection boundary |
Shift+Home | Move the left selection boundary to the beginning of the waveform |
Shift+End | Move the right selection boundary to the end of the waveform |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+NumPad + | Zooms In |
Ctrl+NumPad - | Zooms Out |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F1 | Brings up the current Help File |
F12 | Opens the About window |