Autodesk Maya is a three-dimensional graphics editor, featuring a wide functionality of 3D animation, modeling and visualization. Available for Windows. To optimize the creation of animation, motion graphics, virtual reality and characters, use the hot keys. Using the mouse and keyboard allows you to work faster and more productively, without being distracted by routine tasks.
We picked up a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Maya. Remember those who perform frequently repetitive tasks. In different versions, the combinations are almost the same. The layout does not matter.
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V | Copy/Cut/Paste |
Z | Edit - Undo |
Shift+Z | Edit - Redo |
G | Edit - Repeat |
Shift+G | Repeat command at mouse position |
Ctrl+D | Edit - Duplicate |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Edit - Duplicate Special |
Shift+D | Edit - Duplicate with Transform |
Ctrl+G | Edit - Group |
P | Edit - Parent |
Shift+P | Edit - Unparent |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+N | File - New Scene |
Ctrl+O | File - Open Scene |
Ctrl+S | File - Save Scene |
Ctrl+Shift+S | File - Save Scene As |
Ctrl+Q | File - Exit |
Ctrl+R | Create file reference |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Enter | Complete current tool |
Insert | Enter tool Edit mode |
Shift+Q | Select Tool, or with left mouse button for Component marking menu |
Alt+Q | Select Tool, or with left mouse button for Polygon marking menu |
Q | Select Tool, or with left mouse button for Selection Mask marking menu |
W | Move Tool, or with left mouse button for Move Tool marking menu |
E | Rotate Tool, or with left mouse button for Rotate Tool marking menu |
R | Scale Tool, or with left mouse button for Scale Tool marking menu |
Ctrl+T | Show universal manipulator tool |
T | Show manipulator tool |
Y | Selects the last used tool that is not one of Select, Move, Rotate, or Scale |
J | Move, Rotate, Scale Tool Snapping (press and release) |
+ /- | Increase manipulator size / Decrease manipulator size |
D+ left mouse button | Move pivot (Move Tool) |
Insert | Switches between move pivot and move object (Move Tool) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+left Mouse button | Tumble |
Alt+middle Mouse Button | Track |
Alt+right mouse button | Dolly |
A | Show all |
F | Show selected |
1 | Rough display |
2 | Medium display |
3 | Smooth display |
4 | Wireframe display |
5 | Shaded display |
6 | Shaded and textured display |
7 | Display with lights |
Ctrl+Space | Switches between the standard view and a full-screen view |
Alt+B | Changes the background color of the perspective and orthographic panels: standard (light gray), dark gray, or black |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+./Alt+, | Move forward / move backward one frame in time |
./, | Go to Next key / Go to Previous key |
Alt+V | Turn Playback on or off |
Alt+Shift+V | Go to Min Frame |
K+ middle mouse button | Virtual Time Slider mode (press and hold and scrub timeline) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+Left mouse button | Tumble Tool (press and release) |
Alt+Middle mouse button | Track Tool (press and release) |
Alt+Right mouse button | Dolly Tool (press and release) |
\ | Enable/disable 2D Pan/Zoom. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+A | Switches between Attribute Editor or Channel Box |
A | Frame All in active panel |
Shift+A | Frame All in all views |
F | Frame Selected in active panel |
Shift+F | Frame Selected in all views |
Space | Switch between the active window in multi-pane display and single pane display |
Ctrl+Space | Switch between the standard view and full-screen view of the current panels |
]/[ | Redo view change / Undo View Change |
Alt+B | Switch between a gradient, black, dark gray, or light gray background color. |
Shift+{/Shift+} | View previous layout / View next layout |
F1 | Help - Maya Help |
Ctrl+M | Show/hide main menu bar |
Shift+M | Show/hide panel menu bar |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Show/hide panel toolbar |
H | With left mouse button for Menu Set marking menu |
F2 | Show Animation menu set |
F3 | Show Polygons menu set |
F4 | Show Modeling menu set |
F5 | Show Dynamics menu set |
F6 | Show Rendering menu set |
Space | (When pressed down) Show the hotbox |
Alt+M | Default Hotbox Style (Zones and Menu Rows) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+H | Hide Selection |
Shift+H | Show Selection |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Show Last Hidden |
Alt+H | Hide Unselected Objects |
Shift+L | Show Isolate Select - View Selected |
0 | Default quality display setting |
1 | Rough quality display setting |
2 | Medium quality display setting |
3 | Smooth quality display setting |
4 | Shading - Wireframe |
5 | Shaded display |
6 | Shaded and Textured display |
7 | Lighting - Use All Lights |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
1 | Default polygon mesh display (no smoothing) |
2 | Cage + smooth polygon mesh display |
3 | Smooth polygon mesh display |
Ctrl+H | Display coarser subdivision surface level |
Ctrl+I | Select/refine subdivision surface component |
Ctrl+F9 | Convert polygon selection to Vertices |
Ctrl+F10 | Convert polygon selection to Edges |
Ctrl+F11 | Covert polygon selection to Faces |
Ctrl+F12 | Covert polygon selection to UVs |
Ctrl+` | Proxy - Subdiv Proxy. Displays original mesh (proxy) and a smoothed version of the original. |
Ctrl+Shift+` | Proxy - Subdiv Proxy. Displays Subdiv Proxy options window |
` | Toggles the display between the original (proxy) and the smoothed mesh. |
~ | Displays both the original (proxy) and the smoothed mesh. |
Alt+` | Modify - Convert - NURBS to Subdiv, Polygons to Subdiv |
Alt+Shift+~ | Displays option window for Modify - Convert - NURBS to Subdiv - |
Page Up/ | Increases / Decreases Division Levels for Smooth Mesh Preview or Subdiv Proxy. |
L | Lock/unlock length of curve (press and hold) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+F | Flood with the current value |
Alt+A | Turn Show Wireframe on or off |
Alt+C | Turn Color Feedback on or off |
Alt+R | Toggle Reflection on or off |
U+ left mouse button | Artisan Paint Operation marking menu |
B | Modify upper brush radius (press and release) |
Shift+B | Modify lower brush radius (press and release) |
Ctrl+B | Edit Paint Effects template brush settings |
M | Modify maximum displacement (Sculpt Surfaces and Sculpt Polygons Tool) |
N | Modify paint value |
/ | Switch to pick color mode (press and release) |
8 | Open Paint Effects panel |
O+ left mouse button | Poly Brush Tool marking menu |
O+ middle mouse button | Poly UV Tool marking menu |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Left | Render view next image |
Ctrl+Right | Render view previous image |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F8 | Select - Object/Component (Switch between object and component editing) |
F9 | Select - Vertex |
F10 | Select - Edge |
F11 | Select - Face |
F12 | Select - UV |
Ctrl+I | Select next intermediate object |
Alt+F9 | Select - Vertex Face |
>/< | Grow / Shrink polygon selection region |
Arrow Keys | Pick Walk - walk up/down/left/right |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
C | Snap to curves (press and release) |
X | Snap to grids (press and release) |
V | Snap to points (press and release) |
J | Move, Rotate, Scale Tool snapping (press and release) |
Shift+J | Move, Rotate, Scale Tool relative snapping (press and release) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Q | Select Tool |
W | Move Tool |
E | Rotate Tool |
R | Scale Tool |
T | Show Manipulator Tool |
Ctrl+T | Universal Manipulator |
Y | Last tool used |
+/- | Change the size of the manipulator |
Z | Undo |
Shift+Z | Redo |
G | Repeat last action |
F8 | Switch between object/component selection mode |
P | Parent |
Shift+] | Unparent |
S | Set key |
Shift+W | Key the selected object position |
Shift+E | Key the selected object rotation |
Shift+R | Key the selected object scale |
8 | Paint Effects Panel |
Ctrl+A | Attribute Editor |
(hold) x | Snap to grids |
(hold) c | Snap to curves |
(hold) v | Snap to points |
Alt+Arrow keys} | Move up/down/left/right one pixel |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
S | Animate - Set Key |
I | Insert Keys Tool for Graph Editor |
Shift+S+ left mouse button | Keyframe marking menu |
Shift+S+ middle mouse button | Tangent marking menu |
Shift+E | Set key for Rotate |
Shift+R | Set key for Scale |
Shift+W | Set key for Translate |
Alt+J | Toggle Multicolor Feedback |