Shortcuts Civilization V for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Civilization V for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 59 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

General Hotkeys

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F1 Civilopedia
F2 Economic info
F3 Military info
F4 Diplomacy info
F5 Social Policies Screen
F6 Tech Screen
F7 Notification Log
F8 Victory Progress
F9 Demographics
F10 Strategic View
F11 Quick Save
F12 Quick Load
g Hex Grid
Esc Menu
Enter End Turn
./, Next Unit / Previous Unit
-/[+] Zoom in / Zoom Out
Home/End Capital City View
Page Up/Page Down Zoom in / Zoom Out
Ctrl+r Show Resources Icons
y Yield Icons
Ctrl+o Game Options
Ctrl+s Save
Ctrl+l Load
Ctrl+Space End Turn

General Unit Hotkeys

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
m Move Mode
e Explore (Automated)
a Alert
f Sleep
Space Do Nothing

Action Hotkeys

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Delete Delete Unit
Ctrl+a Attack
Ctrl+b Ranged
s Set up Artillery
h Fortify Until Healed

Air Unit Hotkeys

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+r Rebase Mode
s Air Strike Mode
Alt+s Air Sweep
i Intercept
n Nuke Mode

Civilian Unit Hotkeys

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
b Found City
a Build Improvements (automated)
r Construct a Railroad / Construct a Road
Alt+r Route to Mode
Alt+c Remove a Jungle / Clear a Marsh / Remove a Forest
t Construct a Trading Post
h Construct a Camp
i Construct a Farm
n Construct a Mine
p Construct a Plantation
q Construct a Quarry
p Construct a Pasture
f Construct a Fort
c Construct a Citadel
o Create a Well
l Construct a Lumber Mill
f Create Fishing Boats
o Create Offshore Platform
Backspace Cancel Last Mission
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1622
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program