Shortcuts Microsoft Projects for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Microsoft Projects for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 221 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

File Management

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+F12 Open a project file (display the Open dialog box).
Ctrl+O Open a project file (display the Open Tab in the Backstage view).
Ctrl+S Save a project file.
Ctrl+N Create a new project.
Ctrl+P Print a file (display the Print Tab in the Backstage view).

Working with dialog boxes

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+F12 Display the Open dialog box.
Ctrl+O Display the Open Tab in the Backstage view.
F12 Display the Save As dialog box.
Enter Open the selected folder or file.
Bkspace Open the folder one level above the open folder.
Delete Delete the selected folder or file.
Shift+F10 Display a shortcut menu for a selected item such as a folder or file.
Tab Move forward through options
Shift+Tab Move back through options
F4 or Alt+1 Open the Look in list
Tab Move to the next option or option group.
Shift+Tab Move to the previous option or option group.
Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next Tab in a dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous Tab in a dialog box.
Arrow Keys Move between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options.
Insert Perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the selected check box.
First letter of an option in a drop-down list Open the list if it is closed and move to that option in the list.
Alt+The letter underlined in an option Select an option; select or clear a check box.
Alt+Down Arrow Open a selected drop-down list.
Esc Close a selected drop-down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.
Enter Perform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box.
Arrow Keys Move between fields at the bottom of a form.
Alt+1 (left) or Alt+2 (right) Move into Tables at the bottom of a form.
Enter Move to the next task or resource.
Shift+Enter Move to the previous task or resource.
Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Home Move to the beginning of the entry.
End Move to the end of the entry.
Left Arrow or Right Arrow Move one character to the left or right, respectively.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move one word to the left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move one word to the right.
Shift+Left Arrow Select or cancel selection one character to the left.
Shift+Right Arrow Select or cancel selection one character to the right.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Select or cancel selection one word to the left.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Select or cancel selection one word to the right.
Shift+Home Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry.
Shift+End Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry.

Working with Table

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab Move to the next cell.
Shift+Tab Move to the preceding cell.
Down Arrow Move to the next row.
Up Arrow Move to the preceding row.
Ctrl+Tab Insert a Tab in a cell.
Enter Start a new paragraph.
Tab Add a new row at the bottom of the Table.

Moving around cells/text

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Left Arrow Move one character to the left.
Right Arrow Move one character to the right.
Up Arrow Move one line up.
Down Arrow Move one line down.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move one word to the left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move one word to the right.
End Move to the end of a line.
Home Move to the beginning of a line.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move up one paragraph.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move down one paragraph.
Ctrl+End Move to the end of a text box.
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of a text box.

Access and Use Action

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Shift+F10 Display the menu or message for an action. If more than one action is present, switch to the next action and display its menu or message.
Down Arrow Select the next item on the action menu.
Up Arrow Select the previous item on the action menu.
Enter Perform the action for the selected item on the action menu.
Esc Close the action menu or message.

Network Diagram

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Arrow Keys Move to a different Network Diagram box.
Shift+Arrow Keys Add Network Diagram boxes to the selection.
Ctrl+Arrow Keys Move a Network Diagram box.
NOTE:  You need to set manual positioning first. Select the box you want to move. Click Format, and then click Layout. Click Allow manual box positioning.
Ctrl+Home or Shift+Ctrl+Home Move to the top Network Diagram box in the view or project.
Ctrl+End or Shift+Ctrl+End Move to the lowest Network Diagram box in the project.
Home or Shift+Home Move to the leftmost Network Diagram box in the project.
End or Shift+End Move to the rightmost Network Diagram box in the project.
PgUp or Shift+PgUp Move up one window height.
PgDn or Shift+PgDn Move down one window height.
Ctrl+PgUp or Shift+Ctrl+PgUp Move left one window width.
Ctrl+PgDn or Shift+Ctrl+PgDn Move right one window width.
Enter or Tab Select the next field in the Network Diagram box.
Shift+Enter Select the previous field in the Network Diagram box.

Working with OfficeArt Objects

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Arrow Keys Nudge the shape up, down, right, or left.
Shift+Right Arrow Increase the shape’s width by 10%.
Shift+Left Arrow Decrease the shape’s width by 10%.
Shift+Up Arrow Increase the shape’s height by 10%.
Shift+Down Arrow Decrease the shape’s height by 10%.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Increase the shape’s width by 1%.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Decrease the shape’s width by 1%.
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Increase the shape’s height by 1%.
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Decrease the shape’s height by 1%.
Alt+Right Arrow Rotate the shape 15 degrees to the right.
Alt+Left Arrow Rotate the shape 15 degrees to the left.
Esc Select an object (with text selected inside the object).
Tab or Shift+Tab until the object you want is selected Select an object (with an object selected).
Enter Select text within an object (with an object selected).
Press and hold Ctrl while you click the shapes Select multiple shapes
Press and hold Shift while you click the shapes Select multiple shapes with text
Ctrl+X Cut selected object.
Ctrl+C Copy selected object.
Ctrl+V Paste cut or copied object.
Ctrl+Alt+V Paste special.
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy formatting only.
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste formatting only.
Ctrl+Alt+V Paste special.
Ctrl+G after you select the items that you want to group Group shapes, pictures, or WordArt.
Ctrl+Shift+G after you select the group that you want to ungroup Ungroup shapes, pictures, or WordArt.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action.
Ctrl+Click Add next object to a multi-selection.
Shift+Click Adds next object to a multi-selection; allows clicking on textbox text to add the textbox to the multi-selection.
Esc Collapse selection.
Ctrl+A Select all text.
Ctrl+Bkspace Delete one word to the left.
Ctrl+Delete Delete one word to the right.
Ctrl+Z Undo.
Ctrl+Y Redo.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move one word to the left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move one word to the right.
Home Move to the beginning of the line.
End Move to the end of the line.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move up one paragraph.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move down one paragraph.
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the object’s text.
Ctrl+End Move to the end of the object’s text
Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F2 Activate the entry bar to edit text in a field.
F10 or Alt Activate the menu bar.
Alt+Spacebar Activate the project control menu.
Shift+F6 Activate the split bar.
Alt+F4 Close the program window.
F3 Display all filtered tasks or all filtered resources.
Alt+F3 Display the Field Settings dialog box.
Shift+F11 Open a new window.
Shift+Bkspace Reduce a selection to a single field.
Shift+F3 Reset sort order to ID order and turn off grouping.
F6 Select a drawing object.
Shift+F2 Display task information.
Shift+F2 Display resource information.
Shift+F2 Display assignment information.
Shift+F8 Turn on or off the Add To Selection mode.
Ctrl+F9 Turn on or off Auto Calculate.
F8 Turn on or off the Extend Selection mode.
Alt+Arrow Keys Move left, right, up, or down to view different pages in the Print Preview window.

Outline Operations

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Shift+NumPad - Hide subtasks.
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow Indent the selected task.
Alt+Shift+ = or Alt+Shift+NumPad + Show subtasks.
Alt+Shift+NumPad * Show all tasks.
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow Outdent the selected task.

Sheet View

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Esc Cancel an entry.
Ctrl+Delete Clear or reset the selected field.
Ctrl+C Copy the selected data.
Ctrl+X Cut the selected data.
Delete Delete the selected data.
Ctrl+NumPad - Delete row that has a selected cell.
Ctrl+D Fill down.
Ctrl+F or Shift+F5 Display the Find dialog box.
Shift+F4 In the Find dialog box, continue to the next instance of the search results.
F5 Use the Go To command (Edit menu).
Ctrl+F2 Link tasks.
Ctrl+V Paste the copied or cut data.
Shift+Bkspace Reduce the selection to one field.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Shift+F2 Unlink tasks.
Ctrl+Shift+M Set the task to manually schedule
Ctrl+Shift+A Set the task to auto schedule
Alt+Home Move to the beginning of a project (timescale).
Alt+End Move to the end of a project (timescale).
Alt+Left Arrow Move the timescale left.
Alt+Right Arrow Move the timescale right.
Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow Move to the first field in a row.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move to the first row.
Ctrl+Home Move to the first field of the first row.
End or Ctrl+Right Arrow Move to the last field in a row.
Ctrl+End Move to the last field of the last row.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move to the last row.

Move in Side Pane

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab Move focus between the side pane and the view on the right side.
Tab Select different controls in the side pane if focus is in the side pane.
Spacebar Select or clear check boxes and option buttons if focus is in the side pane.
Shift+PgDn Extend the selection down one page.
Shift+PgUp Extend the selection up one page.
Shift+Down Arrow Extend the selection down one row.
Shift+Up Arrow Extend the selection up one row.
Shift+Home Extend the selection to the first field in a row.
Shift+End Extend the selection to the last field in a row.
Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend the selection to the start of the information.
Ctrl+Shift+End Extend the selection to the end of the information.
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Extend the selection to the first row.
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Extend the selection to the last row.
Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend the selection to the first field of the first row.
Ctrl+Shift+End Extend the selection to the last field of the last row.
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Select all rows and columns.
Ctrl+Spacebar Select a column.
Shift+Spacebar Select a row.
Enter Move within a selection down one field.
Shift+Enter Move within a selection up one field.
Tab Move within a selection right one field.
Shift+Tab Move within a selection left one field.

Select and Edit in Entry bar

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Enter Accept an entry.
Esc Cancel an entry.
Bkspace Delete one character to the left.
Delete Delete one character to the right.
Ctrl+Delete Delete one word to the right.
Shift+End Extend the selection to the end of the text.
Shift+Home Extend the selection to the start of the text.
Insert Turn on or off Overtype mode.

Working with Tim[Esc]ale

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+PgUp Move the timescale left one page.
Alt+PgDn Move the timescale right one page.
Alt+Home Move the timescale to beginning of the project.
Alt+End Move the timescale to end of the project.
Alt+Left Arrow Scroll the timescale left.
Alt+Right Arrow Scroll the timescale right.
Ctrl+NumPad / Show smaller time units.
Ctrl+NumPad * Show larger time units.

Switching between Windows

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Tab Switch to the next window.
Alt+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous window.
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Close the active window.
Ctrl+F5 Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
F6 Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction). You may need to press F6 more than once.
Shift+F6 Move to a pane from another pane in the program window (counterclockwise direction).
Ctrl+F6 When more than one window is open, switch to the next window.
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switch to the previous window.
Ctrl+F10 Maximize or restore a selected window.
PrtScn Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard.
Alt+PrtScn Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard.
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1323
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program