Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Left Arrow | Go to Previous Screen |
Ctrl+Right Arrow | Go to Next Screen |
Ctrl+Up Arrow | Maximize Window |
Ctrl+Down Arrow | Retrun to Previous Window Size |
Shift+F4 | Data View |
Shift+F5 | 3D Window |
Shift+F6 | IPO Window |
Shift+F7 | Buttons Window |
Shift+F8 | Sequence Window |
Shift+F9 | Outliner Window |
Shift+F10 | Image Window |
Shift+F11 | Text Window |
Shift+F12 | Action Window |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Click | Lasso select |
Esc | Cancel Blender Functions |
Spacebar | Open Toolbox |
Tab | Start/Quit Editmode |
Shift+F1 | Append parts of other files |
Shift+F2 | Export Scene as a DXF file |
F1 | Load Blender File |
F2 | Write Blender File |
F3 | Writes A Picture |
F4 | Display Logic Context |
F5 | Display Shading Context |
F6 | Display Shading Context and Texture Sub-Context |
F7 | Display Object Context |
F8 | Display Shading Context and World Sub-Context |
F9 | Display Editing Context |
F10 | Display Scene Context |
F11 | Hide/Show Render Window |
F12 | Start Rendering from Active Camera |
Ctrl+F3 | Save A Scrrendump of Active Window |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 | Save A Screendump of Whole Blender Screen |
Left Arrow | Go to Previous Frame |
Right Arrow | Go to Next Frame |
Up Arrow | Go forward 10 Frame |
Down Arrow | Go Backward 10 Frame |
Shift+Left Arrow | Go to First Frame |
Shift+Right Arrow | Go to Last Frame |
Alt+A | Change Current Blender Window to Animation Playback Mode |
Alt+Shift+A | Current Window and 3D Window go to Animation Playback Mode |
I | Insert Key Menu |
J | Toggle the Render Buffers |
Ctrl+O | Open the Last Saved File |
Q | Quit Blender |
Alt+Ctrl+T | Timer Menu |
Ctrl+U | Save User Defaults |
Ctrl+W | Write File |
Alt+W | Write Videoscape File |
Ctrl+X | Erase All |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Home | All Objects are Displayed in Center |
PgUp | Select Next Object Key |
PgDn | Select Previous Object Key |
Shift+PgUp | Add to Selection the Next Object Key |
Shift+PgDn | Add to Selection the Previous Object Key |
Tab | Start/Stop EditMode |
A | Select All |
Ctrl+A | Apply Size and Rotation |
Shift+A | Add Menu |
B | Select Border |
Shift+B | Render Border |
C | Centre View |
Alt+C | Convert Menu |
Ctrl+C | Copy Menu |
Shift+C | Centre Zero View |
D | Draw Mode Menu |
Shift+D | Add Duplicate |
Alt+D | Add Linked Duplicate |
Ctrl+D | Draw Image as Wire |
Alt+E | Start/Stop EditMode |
F | Toggle Face Select Mode On/Off |
Ctrl+F | Sort Faces |
G | Grab Mode |
Alt+G | Clears Translation |
Shift+G | Group Selection |
I | Insert Object key |
Ctrl+J | Join Object |
K | Show Keys |
Shift+K | Enable Transformation of Entire Animation System |
L | Make Selected Object Local |
Ctrl+L | Link Selected |
Shift+L | Select Linked |
Ctrl+M | Mirror Menu |
N | Number Panel |
Alt+O | Clear Origin |
Shift+O | Toggle SubSurf On/Off |
Ctrl+P | Make Selected Object the Child of Active Object |
R | Rotate Mode |
Alt+R | Clear Rotation |
S | Size Mode |
Alt+S | Clear Size |
Shift+S | Snap menu |
T | Texture Space Mode |
Ctrl+T | Make Selected Object Track Active Object |
Alt+T | Clear Old Style Track |
U | Make Object Singl User |
Ctrl+L | A PopUp with User Choices |
V | Switches in/out of Vertex Mode |
Alt+V | Object Image Aspect |
W | Open Object Booleans Menu |
X | Delete Selected Object |
Z | Toggle Solid Mode On/Off |
Shift+Z | Toggle Shaded Mode On/Off |
Alt+Z | Toggle Textured Mode On/Off |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab | Start/Stop Edit Mode |
Ctrl+Tab | Switches between Vertex Select,Edge Select and Face Select Modes |
A | Select/Unselect all |
B | Select Circle |
Ctrl+H | Bring up Options Menu for It |
N | Number Panel |
O | Switch in/out of Proportional Editing |
Shift+O | Toggle between Smooth and Sharp Proportional Editing |
P | Separate |
Ctrl+P | Make Vertex Parent |
Ctrl+S | Shear |
U | Undo |
W | Special Popup Menu |
Shift+W | Warp |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Alt+Right Click | Edge Select |
C | Toggle Curve Cyclic Mode On/Off |
E | Extrude selected |
F | Make Edge/Face |
Shift+F | Fill Selected |
Alt+F | Beauty Fill |
Ctrl+F | Flip Faces |
K | Knife Tool Menu |
L | Select Linked |
M | Mirror |
U | Undo |
Shift+U | Redo |
W | Special Menu |
X | Erase Selected |
Y | Split |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
C | Set Cyclic Curve On/Off |
E | Extrude Curve |
F | Add segment |
H | Toggle Handle Align/Free |
L | Select Linked |
M | Mirror |
T | Tilte Mode |
V | Vector Handle |
X | Erase Selected |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
M | Mirror |
Shift+R | Select Row |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+K | All vertex colors are erased |
U | Undo |
W | Shared Vertexcol |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Right Arrow | Move Text Cursor 1 Position Forward |
Shift+Right Arrow | Move Text Cursor to End of Line |
Left Arrow | Move Text Cursor 1 Position Backward |
Shift+Left Arrow | Move Text Cursor to start of lIne |
Down Arrow | Move text cursor 1 line forward |
Shift+Down Arrow | Move Text Cursor to End of Line |
Up Arrow | Move Cursor to 1 Line Back |
Alt+U | Reload Original Data |
Alt+V | Paste Text |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
E | LSCM Unwrapping |
P | Pin Selected Vertices |
Alt+P | UnPin selected Vertices |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+Click | Select Edge Loop |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+Click | Select Face Loop |
Tab | Switches to EditMode |
L | Select Linked Uvs |
R | Rotate UV Coordinates |
U | Calls UV Calculation |