Shortcuts Qt Creator for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Qt Creator for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 132 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+O Open file or project
Ctrl+N New file or project
Alt+V, Alt+I Open in external editor
Ctrl+A Select all
Delete Delete
Ctrl+X/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V Cut / Copy / Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save all
Ctrl+W Close window
Ctrl+Shift+W Close all windows
Ctrl+F4 Close current file
Alt+Arrow Left /Alt+Arrow Right Go back / Go forward
Ctrl+L Go to line
Ctrl+E, O Go to other split
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab Previous open document / Next open document in history
Ctrl+K Activate Locator
Ctrl+1 Switch to Welcome mode
Ctrl+2 Switch to Edit mode
Ctrl+3 Switch to Design mode
Ctrl+4 Switch to Debug mode
Ctrl+5 Switch to Projects mode
Ctrl+6 Switch to Analyze mode
Ctrl+7 Switch to Help mode
Alt+1 Toggle Issues pane
Alt+2 Toggle Search Results pane
Alt+3 Toggle Application Output pane
Alt+4 Toggle Compile Output pane
Alt+5...9 Toggle other output panes
Alt+M Activate Bookmarks pane
Alt+Y Activate File System pane
Alt+O Activate Open Documents pane
Alt+9 Maximize output panes
F6 Move to next item in output panes
Shift+F6 Move to previous item in output panes
Alt+X Activate Projects pane
Ctrl+Shift+F11 Full screen
Alt+0 Toggle the sidebar
Esc Move to Edit mode
Ctrl+Q Exit Qt Creator


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+I Auto-indent selection
Ctrl+ Collapse / Expand
Ctrl+Space Trigger a completion in this scope
Ctrl+Insert Copy line
Ctrl+Alt+Down Copy line down / copy line up
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste from the clipboard history, Subsequent presses move you back in the history
Shift+Delete Cut line
Ctrl+J Join lines
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert line above current line
Ctrl+Enter Insert line below current line
Ctrl+-/Ctrl++ Decrease / increase font size (or Ctrl+scroll)
Ctrl+0 Reset font size
Alt+V, Alt+V Toggle Vim-style editing
Ctrl+E, 2 Split
Ctrl+E, 3 Split side by side
Ctrl+E, 1 Remove all splits
Ctrl+E, 0 Remove current split
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+]/Ctrl+[ Go to block end / Go to block start
Ctrl+}/Ctrl+{ Go to block end / Go to block start with selection
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down /Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up Move current line down / Move current line up
Alt+Enter Trigger a refactoring action in this scope
Ctrl+E, R Rewrap paragraph
Ctrl+U Select the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W Enable text wrapping
Ctrl+/ Toggle comment for selection
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V Visualize whitespace
Ctrl+J Adjust size
Ctrl+G Lay out in a grid
Ctrl+H Lay out horizontally
Ctrl+L Lay out vertically
Alt+Shift+R Preview
F4 Edit signals and slots
Ctrl+M Toggle bookmark
Ctrl+./Ctrl+, Go to next bookmark / go to previous bookmar
Alt+C, Alt+F Fetch snippet
Alt+C, Alt+P Paste snippet
Ctrl+Shift+U Find usages
F2 Follow symbol under cursor; Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros
Ctrl+Shift+R Rename symbol under cursor
Shift+F2 Switch between method declaration and definition
Ctrl+Shift+T Open type hierarchy
F4 Switch between header and source file
Alt+U Turn selected text into lowercase
Alt+Shift+U Turn selected text into uppercase
Ctrl+Shift+C Run static checks on JavaScript code to find common problems
Ctrl+F Find and replace
F3/Shift+F3 Find next / Find previous
Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+F3 Find next / Find previous occurrence of selected text
Ctrl+= Replace next
Ctrl+Shift+F Open advanced find
Alt+( Record a text-editing macro
Alt+) Stop recording a macro
Alt+R Play last macro
Ctrl+Alt+Space Show Qt Quick toolbars
Alt+V, 1...9 Execute user actions 1 … 9 in FakeVim mode

Image Viewer

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+[ Switch to background
Ctrl+] Switch to outline
Ctrl++ /Ctrl+- Zoom in / Zoom out
Ctrl+= Fit to screen
Ctrl+0 Original size

Qt Quick Designer

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F2 Open the QML file that defines the selected component
F4 Move between code editor and visual editor
Ctrl+Alt+0 Toggle left sidebar
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0 Toggle right sidebar


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F5 Start or continue debugging
Shift+F5 Exit debugger
F10 Step over
F11 Step into
Shift+F11 Step out
F9 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+F6 Run to selected function
Ctrl+F10 Run to line
F12 Reverse direction


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+B Build project
Ctrl+Shift+B Build all
Ctrl+Shift+N New project
Ctrl+Shift+O Open project
Ctrl+T Select the kit to build and run your project with
Ctrl+R Run

Version Control

Description Edit Cancel Save & submit

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+G, Alt+A Add
Alt+G, Alt+C Commit/Submit
Alt+G, Alt+D Diff


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F1 View context-sensitive help
Ctrl+T Activate contents in Help mode
Ctrl+M Add bookmark in Help mode
Ctrl+I Activate index in Help mode
Ctrl+0 Reset font size
Ctrl+S Activate search in Help mode
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1404
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program