Shortcuts VCarve Pro for Windows
We present to your attention the shortcuts for the VCarve Pro for Windows which is used on the operating
system Windows, in this hotkeys description 114 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered.
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General Shortcuts
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Ctrl+A | Select All vectors |
Esc | Deselect All vectors |
N | Toggles between Selection and Node Editing modes |
Esc | Switches to Selection Mode (exits Node editing or Transform mode) |
T | Opens the Scale form for Transforming the vectors |
M | Opens the Move form |
R | Opens the Rotate form |
J | Opens the Join Vectors form |
Ctrl+M | Opens Measure tool form |
9 | Rotates selected object 45° counterclockwise |
0 | Rotates selected object 45° clockwise |
Esc | Exits vector drawing and editing tools and closes the data entry form |
RMB | Exits vector drawing and editing tools and closes the data entry form |
Spacebar | Re-opens the last vector creation form you used. This is very useful when using other forms in between each shape / text / dimension you create. |
Z | Zoom - click top left and bottom right corners to zoom |
Esc | Exits zoom mode returning to Selection mode |
Ctrl+F | Zoom to Fit Job |
F | Zoom to Fit Material |
F6 | Zoom to fit Material |
F1 | Opens the Help File |
F2 | Opens the 2D Drawing window |
F3 | Opens the 3D Preview window |
F4 | Opens the Snap Settings form |
F5 | Refreshes the 2D window |
F6 | Scales 2D view to fit material |
F8 | Toggles between the Drawing and Modeling Tab |
F9 | Center selected object in view |
F10 | Opens the Alignment Tools form |
F11 | Toggle Drawing Tab on |
F12 | Toggle Toolpath Tab on |
Tab Navigation
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F11 | Toggle Drawing Tab on |
F12 | Toggle Toolpath Tab on |
Ctrl+L | Opens the Layers Tab |
Ctrl+D | Opens the Drawing Tab |
F8 | Toggles between the Drawing and Modeling Tab |
Double Sided Job Setup
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1 | Toggle Top Side on |
2 | Toggle Bottom Side on |
= | Toggle Multi-Sided View on |
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H | Mirror Horizontally |
Ctrl+H | Create Mirror Copy Horizontally |
Shift+H | Mirror Horizontally, around center of material |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Create Mirror Copy Horizontally, around center of material |
V | Mirror Vertically |
Ctrl+V | Create Mirror Copy Vertically |
Shift+V | Mirror Vertically, around center of material |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Create Mirror Copy Vertically, around center of material |
Windows | Description Edit
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F9 | Moves selected object to the center of the material |
F10 | Opens the Alignment Tools form |
Windows | Description Edit
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G | Group: Creates a single group containing selected vectors / components |
U | Ungroup: Converts a Group to individual vectors or components |
Ctrl+U | Deep ungroup the selected objects to their original layers.Sub-groups are also ungrouped |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Deep ungroup the selected objects to their groups layers. Sub-groups are also ungrouped |
Node Editing
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I | Insert a Point |
D | Delete Point / Span |
S | Smooth / Unsmooth Point |
C | Cut Vector opens the vector |
B | Convert span to Bezier |
A | Convert span to Arc |
L | Convert span to Line |
P | Makes the selected node the Start Point for machining |
X | Displays a single node's X and Y location properties |
X | Changes the X co-ordinate position of selected nodes to match the position of the first one (when more than one selected) |
Y | Changes the Y co-ordinate position of selected nodes to match the position of the first one (when more than one selected) |
H | Enter Horizontal mirror mode (press again to exit) |
V | Enter Vertical mirror mode (press again to exit) |
Ctrl+Z | Edit Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Edit Redo |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected vectors |
Ctrl+V | Paste the selected vectors |
CtrlandDrag | Pastes a copy of the selected vectors each time the left mouse button is released. |
Ctrl+X | Cut the selected vectors |
AltandDrag | Moves the object either horizontally or vertically aligned with its original position |
Ctrl+Altand Drag | Creates a copy of the original object horizontally or vertically aligned to its original position |
Ctrl+N | Create New file |
Ctrl+O | Open an Existing file |
Ctrl+S | Save file |
Ctrl+I | Import file |
Page Up | Vertically tiles the 2D View and the 3D View window so you can see them both simultaneously. Currently Selected window is on the left - typically best to select the 2D View first when doing this |
Page Down | Horizontally tiles the 2D View and the 3D View window so you can see them both simultaneously. Currently Selected window is at the top - typically best to select the 2D View first when doing this |
Moving Objects According to Value
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ValuethenEnter | Moves object the L Value from original position in direction of cursor |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Moves object relative to its position by X and Y |
ValuethenXthenValuethenY | Moves object to the absolute position X and Y |
Rotating Object According to Value
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ValuethenEnter | Rotate the selection by R degrees counterclockwise |
Node Editing As per Value
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ValuethenEnter | Moves node from original position by that amount in direction of cursor |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Move the node by that amount relative to its current position |
ValuethenXthenValuethenY | Moves node to the absolute position X and Y |
Windows | Description Edit
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ValuethenEnter | Places next point L away from the last point in the direction of cursor |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Place the next point offset by that amount relative to the last point's position |
ValuethenXthenValuethenY | Places the next point at position X and Y |
ValuethenAthenValuethenL | Creates a line with an angle of A° and a length L |
Draw Circle
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ValuethenEnter | Create a circle with the given radius |
ValuethenD | Create a circle of Diameter D |
Draw Ellipse
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ValuethenEnter | Create a circle with the given diameter |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Create an ellipse with width and height |
ValuethenX | Create an ellipse with width X and use the current height |
ValuethenY | Create an ellipse with height Y and use the current height |
Draw Rectangle
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ValuethenEnter | Create a sqaure with the given side length |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Create a rectangle with given width and height |
ValuethenX | Create a rectangle with width X and use the current height |
ValuethenY | Create a rectangle with height Y and use the current height |
ValuethenRthenValuethenX | Create a rectangle with a radius R and width X, using current height |
ValuethenRthenValuethenY | Create a rectangle with a radius R and height Y, using current width |
ValuethenWthenValuethenH | Create a rectangle with width W and height H |
Valuethen,thenValuethenEnter | Create a rectangle with width and height |
Draw Polygon
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ValuethenEnter | Create a circle with the given radius |
ValuethenD | Creates a Polygon with diameter D |
ValuethenSthenValuethenR | Create a polygon with number of sides S and radius R |
ValuethenSthenValuethenD | Create a polygon with number of sides S and diameter D |
Draw Star
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ValuethenEnter | Create a star with the given radius |
ValuethenD | Create a star with diameter D |
ValuethenPthenValuethenR | Create a star with number of points P and radius R |
ValuethenPthenValuethenD | Create a star with number of points P and diameter D |
ValuethenPthenValuethenIthenValuethenR | Create a star with number of points P , Internal Radius % I and radius R |
ValuethenPthenValuethenIthenValuethenD | Create a star with number of points P , Internal Radius % I and diameter D |
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program