Shortcuts gThumb for Linux

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the gThumb for Linux which is used on the operating system Linux, in this hotkeys description 49 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

User Interface

Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F9 Show/Hide the sidebar in the browser mode The sidebar contains the folder tree and the file properties summary (if enabled)
I Show the file properties summary
F8 Shows/hides the thumbnail pane in the viewer mode
F11/F Toggles the fullscreen mode
Ctrl+T Shows/hides the Thumbnails in the browser mode
Esc Closes the viewer or fullscreen mode


Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
E Edit the image and Opens the viewer and shows the editing tools
G Open the image with the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
F2 Rename the image
C/Ctrl+M Add Comments or metadata to an image
] Rotate right, losslessly if possible The file is saved automatically
[ Rotate left, losslessly if possible The file is saved automatically
Delete Move the selected files to the Trash
Shift+Delete Delete the selected files permanently

Editing in Viewer Mode

Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
A Adjust contrast
L Flip image
M Mirror image
R Rotate right
R Rotate left
C Crop image
S Resize image


Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Spacebar/Page Down View the next image
Backspace/Page Up View the previous image
Home View the first image
End View the last image
Ctrl+D Add the current location to the bookmarks
+ Zoom in
- Zoom out
1/Z/Numpad / Actual size
X/Numpad * Zoom to fit (scales down only, does not magnify)
Shift+X Zoom to fit (scale down or magnify, as required)
W Zoom to fit Width (scales down only, does not magnify)
Shift+W Zoom to fit Width (scale down or magnify, as required)
H Zoom to fit Height (scales down only, does not magnify)
Shift+H Zoom to fit Height (scale down or magnify, as required)
Arrow Keys Scroll the image
Shift+Arrow Keys Scroll the image faster
Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Home Go to the first file in the browser view
End Go to the last file in the browser view
Down Arrow/PgDn Scroll downwards through the thumbnails
Up Arrow/PgUp Scroll upwards through the thumbnails
Alt+Left Arrow Go back to the previously viewed folder
Alt+Right Arrow Go forward (after going back to a folder)
Alt+Up Arrow Go up one level


Linux Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F5 Start a slideshow
P Pause/Unpause the slideshow
Esc/Q Close the slideshow
Spacebar/Down Arrow Load the next image
Backspace/Up Arrow Load the previous image
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 25.01.2019
Page views: 2562
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program