Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
End | Go to end of line |
Enter | Start a new action at the current level of indent |
Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Cancels completion of a task |
Ctrl+Enter | Completes a task |
Delete | Deletes the current character / next character / pulls line below into this line |
Tab | Indent (create sub-task) |
Shift+Tab | Outdent |
Tab+F | Toggles the task to be on the Focus list |
Tab+I | Importance - will cycle through the different levels of Priority for the action |
Tab+L | Attach Link/URL to an action |
Tab+N | Create a New task |
Tab+S | Search box |
Tab+X | Toggles the task to be 'forced' onto Next Actions list |
Shift+Enter | Toggles to enter Notes for the item |
Ctrl+Arrow Up | Collapse current project |
Ctrl+Arrow Down | Expand current project |
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up | Move item one row up |
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down | Move item one row down |
Ctrl+Mouse-click | Zoom in to focus on that item |
Alt+Arrow Right | Focus on an item. (Zoom in) |
Alt+Arrow Left | Un-zoom and go up a level |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab+E | Focus the right edit window (currently not working) |
Tab+N | Create new action using Quick Inbox |
Tab+P | Toggle open/close the Panel on right. |
Tab+Q | ('Quickly') move selection-focus to 'Projects & Actions' on the left |
Tab+W | Focus the center panel |
Tab+1 | Change to 'Projects & Actions' in the left navigation pane |
Tab+2 | Change to 'Next Actions' in the left navigation pane |
Tab+3 | Change to 'Focus' in the left navigation pane |
Tab+4 | Change to the list 'Inbox' list in the left navigation pane |
Tab+5 | Change to the list 'Scheduled' in the left navigation pane |
Tab+6 | Change to the list 'Waiting' in the left navigation pane |
Tab+7 | Change to the list 'Someday' in the left navigation pane |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Arrow Up | Move focus up one list |
Arrow Down | Move focus down one list |
Enter | Select the current list |