Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Z | Find zero crossings |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate selection in new track |
Ctrl+C | Copy selection |
Ctrl+V | Paste selection at cursor |
Shift+Ctrl+F | Fit all tracks vertically |
Alt+O,N | Sort tracks by name |
Ctrl+U | Mute all tracks |
F1 | Selection tool |
F5 | Time Shift tool |
Home | Skip to start |
End | Skip to end |
Space | Play/Pause |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+N | New |
Ctrl+O | Open... |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Z | Find zero crossings |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate selection in new track |
Ctrl+C | Copy selection |
Ctrl+V | Paste selection at cursor |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Ctrl+F | Fit all tracks vertically |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Home | Skip to start |
End | Skip to end |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+O | Sort tracks... |
Alt+O,N | Sort tracks by name |
Ctrl+U | Mute all tracks |
Shift+Ctrl+U | Unmute all tracks |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F1 | Selection tool |
F2 | Envelope tool |
F3 | Draw tool |
F4 | Zoom tool |
F5 | Time Shift tool |
F6 | Multi-Tool mode |
Linux | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Space | Play/Pause |
Shift+Space | Play current selection looped |