Shortcuts Pegasus Mail for Web Application

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Pegasus Mail for Web Application which is used on the operating system Other OS, in this hotkeys description 67 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+F9 Select
Ctrl+Shift+F9 Unselect
F5 Incremental search
Ctrl+Q Perform quick selection

Message Reader

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
R Start a reply to the message
F Forward the message to another address
C Copy the message to a folder
M Move the message to a folder
D Delete the message
P/Ctrl+P Print the message
X Open the next mail message or digest contained within the message in its own window
V Switch between fancy and plain views (if available)
Ctrl+F Find text within the message
Z Switch between normal and expanded header view
Ctrl+S Save the message text to a file on disk
F5 Reformat long lines in the message (setting is sticky )
Ctrl+F5 Wrap long lines in the message (setting is sticky )
F12 Switch to a monospaced view of the message (does not work in HTML or text/enriched messages)
F11 Select a folder display colour for the message
F8 Switch to the Message view
F7 Switch to the Attachments view
F9 Switch to the Annotations view
Ctrl+H Toggle between the Raw and Message views
Ctrl+1 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #1
Ctrl+2 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #2
Ctrl+3 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #3
Ctrl+4 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #4
Ctrl+5 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #5
Ctrl+6 Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #6

File menu

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+O Open Saved Messages
Ctrl+W Read new mail
Ctrl+L Mail folders...
Ctrl+P Print...

Edit menu

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+F Find text...
Ctrl+R Find and replace...
Ctrl+G Find/replace again
Ctrl+A Select all

Grouped views

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+0 None (normal view)
Ctrl+Shift+1 Group by day
Ctrl+Shift+2 Group by week
Ctrl+Shift+3 Group by month
Ctrl+Shift+4 Group by subject
Ctrl+Shift+5 Group by thread
Ctrl+Shift+6 Group by thread activity
Ctrl+Shift+7 Group by sender
Ctrl+Shift+8 Index by sender
Ctrl+Shift+9 Group by colour
Ctrl+S Save message to disk
F11 Set colour...
Ctrl+9 Add/edit annotation
Ctrl+U Mark messages as unread
Ctrl+R Mark messages as read
F12 Edit message flags...


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F2 Local users...
F3 Address books...
F4 Logged-in users...
F6 Distribution lists...
Shift+F3 Quick lookup


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+F4 Enlarge
F1 Help


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+F10 Options
Ctrl+; Glossary create/edit
Ctrl+K Check spelling
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 05.02.2019
Page views: 1982
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program