Shortcuts Final Fantasy for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Final Fantasy for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 101 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
W Move forward
S Move back
A Turn left
D Turn right
Q Strafe left
E Strafe right
NUM / Toggle between run/walk
R Turn on/off auto run
Spacebar Jump


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Up arrow Point camera up
Down arrow Point camera down
Right arrow Point camera right
Left arrow Point camera left
Page up Zoom camera in
Page down Zoom camera out
Home Toggle between 1st/3rd person mode
End Return camera to saved position
Ctrl+End Save current camera position
Ctrl+Shift+End Return camera to default position
V Flip camera
NUM 5 Lock camera on target
Ctrl+Up arrow TIlt camera up
Ctrl+Down arrow TIlt camera down
Pause Face camera


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab Cycle through enemies (nearest to farthest)
Shift+Tab Cycle through enemies (farthest to nearest)
F Face target
F1 Target self
F2 - F8 Target members in party list
F9 Target pet/familiar
T Target the target of the current target
F10 Target focus target
F11 Target nearest enemy
F12 Target nearest NPC or object
Shift+F Set/clear focus target
Ctrl+8 Cycle up through enmity list
Ctrl+2 Cycle down through enmity list
Ctrl+6 Cycle through alliance list(Forward)
Ctrl+4 Cycle through alliance list(Backward)


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Enter Ready chat prompt
/ Ready text prompt
Alt+S Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Say
Alt+H Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Shout
Alt+P Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Party
Alt+Y Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Yell
Alt+R Reply (Repeat to Cycle Through PCs)
Alt+F Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Free Company
Alt+L Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Linkshell (Cycle Forward)
Alt+Shift+L Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Linkshell (Cycle Back)
Alt+C Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Alliance

Hotbar And Main Menu

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
0 Confirm
. Cancel
* Subcommand
8 Move Cursor Up/Cycle Up Through Party List
2 Move Cursor Down/Cycle Down Through Party List
4 Move Cursor/Target Cursor Left
6 Move Cursor/Target Cursor right
1 Cycle through HUD components
+ Select the main menu
Shift+Up arrow Cycle through hotbars(up)
Shift+Down arrow Cycle through hotbars(Down)
Shift+1 Switch to hotbar 1
Shift+2 Switch to hotbar 2
Shift+3 Switch to hotbar 3
Z Draw/sheathe weapon
C Character
Ctrl+C Currency list
: Free company
L Linkshells
I Inventory
Ctrl+I Armoury chest
M Map
Shift+M Signs
Ctrl+M Waymarks
P Actions and traits
O Social
U Duty finder
Ctrl+U Timers
J JOurnal
K Character configuration
Ctrl+K System configuration
X Target filter
N Crafting log
B Gathering log
H Hunting log
Y Fishing log
Ctrl+Y Fish guide
Num9/NUM 7 Cycle through UI components tabs (forward/back)
Scroll lock TOggle UI display mode
Print Screen Take screenshot
Ctrl+Home Change window size
Esc Close all UI components

Movement While Riding a Flying Mount

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
W Move forward
S Move back
A Turn left
D Turn right
Q Strafe left
E Strafe right
Spacebar Ascend (while grounded: Jump)
Ctrl+Spacebar Descend (While grounded : Jump)
Z Dismount
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1211
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program