Shortcuts Adobe Acrobat Pro for Windows

Create PDF documents from any file. Convert scanned documents, images, web pages and Microsoft Office files to PDF documents for further work. Edit files directly to PDF. Reuse content without re-entering the data - easily add text, insert images and update tables. Access PDF documents wherever you are. Keep working from where you left off - on your computer, laptop, or mobile device.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+Ctrl+5 Change reading settings for the current document
Ctrl+4 Reflow a tagged PDF, and return to unreflowed view
Shift+Ctrl+Y Activate and deactivate Read Out Loud
Shift+Ctrl+V Read only the current page out loud
Shift+Ctrl+B Read out loud from the current page to the end of the document
Shift+Ctrl+C Pause reading out loud
Shift+Ctrl+E Stop reading out loud


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
S Sticky Note tool
E Text Edits tool
K Stamp tool
U Current highlighting tool
Shift+U Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlighter,Underline Text, Cross Out Text
D Current drawing markup tool
Shift+D Cycle through drawing markup tools: Cloud, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon Line, Polygon, Pencil Tool, Eraser Tool
Q Cloud tool
X Text Box tool
J Current Stamp or Attach tool
Shift+J Cycle through Stamp, Attach File, Record Audio Comment
Tab Move focus to next comment or form field
Shift+Tab Move focus to previous comment or form field
Enter Open pop-up note (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus
Esc Closes pop-up (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus
Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F10 Move focus to menus
Shift+F8 Move focus to toolbar in browser and application(In application, sets focus to the first button in the top bar - Home)
Arrow Right/Arrow Left/Tab/Shift+Tab Navigate through the other controls in the top bar - Home, Tools, Document
Enter/Space Select a highlighted control in the top bar
Ctrl+F6 Move to next open document (when focus is on document pane)
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Move to previous open document (when focus is on document pane)
Ctrl+F4 Close current document
Tab Move focus to next comment, link, or form field in the document pane
F5 Move focus to document pane
Shift+Tab Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane
Space/Enter Activate selected tool, item (such as a movie clip or bookmark), or command
Shift+F10 Open context menu
F10 Close context menu
Esc Return to Hand tool or Select tool
Ctrl+Tab Move focus to next tab in a tabbed dialog box
Shift+F3/Ctrl+Shift+G Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document
F3/Ctrl+G Move to next search result and highlight it in the document
Alt+Shift+Arrow Left Search previous document (with Search results displaying multiple files)
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right Search next document (with Search results displaying multiple files)
Shift+Arrow Keys Select text (with Select tool selected)
Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Right/Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Left Select next word or deselect previous word (with Select tool selected)

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F1 Open Help window
Ctrl+W/Alt+F4 Close Help window
Alt+Arrow Left Move back to previously opened topic
Alt+Arrow Right Move forward to next topic
Ctrl+Tab Move to next pane
Shift+Ctrl+Tab Move to previous pane
Tab Move focus to the next link within a pane
Shift+Tab Move focus to the previous link within a pane
Enter Activate highlighted link
Ctrl+P Print Help topic

PDF Portfolios

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Tab/Shift+Tab Move forward or backward among the current column header selected for sorting, the current row with focus, and the Go Back button if in a folder
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move focus to the next or previous row when in the body of the file list on the left
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Selects the next or previous column header for sorting
Backspace If pressed in the body of the file list, navigate one level up from within a folder
Enter/Space Press the Go Back button in a folder if focus is on the button.
Enter If pressed when focus is on a row in the file list representing a subfolder, navigate to a subfolder, or open an attachment in Preview mode.
Home/End If in the body of the file list, move to the first or last row
Page Down/Page Up If in the body of the file list, move to the next or last set of rows to fit the screen
Ctrl+A/Shift+Ctrl+A Select or deselect all files
Shift+Arrow Up/Shift+Arrow Down If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row above or below the selected row
Ctrl+Space Change whether the row with focus is in the selection
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Arrow Down Move focus up or down one row without changing the selection
Space Reverse the sort order when focus is on a column header


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
H Hand tool
Space Temporarily select Hand tool
V Select tool
Z Marquee Zoom tool
Shift+Z Cycle through zoom tools: Marquee Zoom,Dynamic Zoom, Loupe
Shift Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
Ctrl Temporarily zoom out (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
Ctrl+Space Temporarily select Zoom In tool
R Select Object tool
O Edit Object tool
A Enter/Exit Forms editing
C Crop tool
L Link tool
F Text Field tool
Shift+F Cycle through tools in forms authoring mode: Text Field, Check Box, Radio Button, List Box, Dropdown Box, Button, Digital Signature, Barcode
M 3D tool
Shift+M Cycle through Multimedia tools: 3D object, SWF, Sound, Video
T Edit Document Text tool
Shift+T Cycle through Touch Up tools: Touch Up Text, Touch Up Reading Order, Touch Up Object
Shift+Y Redaction
Ctrl+J JavaScript Debugger
Shift+Ctrl+T Insert Blank Pages tool
Ctrl+Shift+I Insert Files
Ctrl+Shift+D Delete pages
~ Open Output Preview
Shift+Ctrl+U Touch Up Reading Order tool (or if already selected, return focus to dialog box)
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 14.03.2019
Page views: 2220
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program