Shortcuts AutoCAD for MacOS

Autodesk AutoCAD for Mac is a two-or three-dimensional computer-aided design and drawing. The program is very useful for creating any projects, users note the convenience of its use. In order to optimize and speed up the work in the program, use the hot keys.

We picked up a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk AutoCAD. This will help to use not only the mouse, but also the keyboard, due to which work will become more productive and you will not have to be distracted by routine tasks. Quick commands allow you to perform tasks instantly. The layout does not matter. The difference in hotkeys for Mac is only in modifier keys.


MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Fn+F1 or Cmd+/ Displays Help
Fn+F2 Expands or collapses the display of the Command Window.
Fn+F3 Toggles object snap mode on and off.
Fn+F4 Toggles 3D object snap mode on and off.
Fn+F5 Toggles isoplane mode.
Fn+F6 or Cmd+D Toggles Dynamic UCS mode on and off.
Fn+F7 Toggles grid display on and off.
Fn+F8 Toggles ortho mode on and off.
Fn+F9 or Cmd+B Toggles ortho mode on and off.
Fn+F10 or Cmd+U Toggles polar tracking on and off.
Shift+Cmd+D T oggles Dynamic Input mode on and off.
Shift+Cmd+F Toggles Clean Screen mode on and off.
Shift+Cmd+I Toggles Infer Constraints mode on and off.
Shift+Cmd+T Toggles object snap tracking on and off.
Ctrl+I Toggles the coordinates display mode.
Ctrl+W Toggles Selection Cycling.
Ctrl+H Toggles PICKSTYLE on and off.
Shift+Cmd+H Toggles the display of all palettes on or off.

Toggle General Features

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Cmd+1 Opens or closes the Tool Sets palette.
Cmd+2 Opens or closes the Content palette.
Cmd+3 Opens or closes the command window
Cmd+4 Opens or closes the Layers palette.
Cmd+5 Opens or closes the Properties Inspector palette.
Cmd+6 Toggles the status bar.
Cmd+7 Opens or closes the Reference Manager palette./td>
Cmd+8 Opens or closes the Project Manager palette.
Cmd+9 Opens or closes the Material Browser palette.
Cmd+/ Launches the online help (browser).
Cmd+E Displays the Export Data dialog.
Cmd+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog.
Cmd+G Groups selected objects.
Cmd+I Displays the Properties Inspector palette.
Cmd+R Regenerates the current viewport.
Cmd+W Closes the current drawing.
Cmd++ Zooms in 2x.
Cmd+- Zooms out 0.5x.
Cmd+, Displays the Application Preferences dialog.
Cmd+./td> Displays the Quick View dialog
Shift+Cmd+C Displays the color palette.
Shift+Cmd+; Displays the Check Spelling dialog.

Manage Drawings

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Cmd+A or Ctrl+A Selects all objects in the current layout.
Cmd+H Hides AutoCAD window.
Cmd+M Minimizes the current drawing window
Cmd+N or Ctrl+N Creates new drawing
Cmd+O or Ctrl+O Opens drawing
Cmd+P or Ctrl+P Displays the Print/Plot dialog box.
Cmd+Q or Ctrl+Q Closes the program
Cmd+R Regenerates the current viewport.
Cmd+S orCtrl+S Saves the current drawing. If the drawing has not been saved yet, the Save Drawing As dialog box is displayed
Cmd+W Closes the current drawing.
Cmd+Opt+W Closes all drawings.
Shift+Cmd+G Ungroups the selected group.
Shift+Cmd+P Displays the Page Setup Manager
Shift+Cmd+R Regenerates all viewports in the current layout
Shift+Cmd+S or Displays the Save Drawing As dialog box
Ctrl+A Selects all objects in the current layout.
Cmd+Opt+M Minimizes all.

Manage Workflow

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Cmd+C or Ctrl+C Copies the selected objects to the Clipboard
Cmd+E Displays the Export Data dialog box.
Cmd+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog box.
Cmd+V Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the current layout.
Cmd+X Removes the selected from the drawing and adds them to the Clipboard.
Cmd+Y Reverses the most recent undo.
Ctrl+[ Cancels
Shift+Cmd+; Displays the Check Spelling dialog box./td>
Ctrl+J Repeats the previous command.
Shift+Ctrl+C Copies the selected objects with a specified base point.
Shift+Ctrl+E Implied Face Extrusion (PressPull).

Manage Screen

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Fn+F11 Hides all open windows
Fn+F12 Display dashboard.
Cmd+1 Opens or closes the Tool Sets palette.
Cmd+2 Copy toOpens or closes the Content palette on and off.
Cmd+3 Shows or hides the Command Window.
Cmd+4 Opens or closes the.Layers palette
Cmd+6 Toggles the display of the status bar on and off.
Cmd+7 Opens or closes the Reference Manager palette.
Cmd+8 Project Manager/td>
Cmd+9 Material Browser.
Cmd+0 Toggles Clean Screen on and off.
Cmd+- Zooms out
Cmd++ Zooms in
Cmd+, Options.
Cmd+. Displays the Quick View dialog box
Shift+Cmd+C Displays the Color Palette.Select a new color to make it the current color for new objects.
Cmd+Opt+H Hides the Windows of all other applications
Cmd+Opt+I Properties.
Cmd+Opt+T Toggles Toolset Palette.
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 04.04.2019
Page views: 1996
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program