Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
t | Add a new task |
c | Complete the selected task |
p | Postpone the selected task by one day |
d | Edit the due date of the selected task |
f | Edit the repeat of the selected task |
g | Edit the estimated time of the selected task |
s | Edit the tags of the selected task |
u | Edit the url of the selected task |
l | Edit the location of the selected task |
y | Add a note to the selected task |
r | Rename the selected task |
z | Undo the last action |
1 | Set selected task to priority 1 |
2 | Set selected task to priority 2 |
3 | Set selected task to priority 3 |
4 | Set selected task to no priority |
delete | Delete the selected task |
m | Toggle multi-edit mode (SmartAdd must be disabled) |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Allows you to specify all the details of a new task by typing the right syntax into the task box.Must be enabled in the 'General' tab of the 'Settings' page. | ^ |
Specify a due date See supported due date formats. | !1/2/3 |
Specify a priority. | # |
Specify a list or tag | @ |
Specify a location (location must already be defined in RTM) | * |
Specify repeat options. See supported repeat formats. | = |
Specify a time estimate. See supported time estimate formats. |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
a | Select all tasks in the list |
n | Select none of the tasks in the list |
j/k | Move up / move down in the list |
i | Select current item in the list |
h | Switch between Task and Notes tabs for selected task |
tab | Save input and move to next input field |
escape | Remove cursor from current input field |
shift+click | Select all tasks between first and second task clicked |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
ctrl+shift+/ | Place the cursor in the search box |
ctrl+shift+6 | Jump to Overview screen |
ctrl+shift+7 | Jump to Tasks screen |
ctrl+shift+8 | Jump to Locations screen |
ctrl+shift+9 | Jump to Contacts screen |
ctrl+shift+0 | Jump to Settings screen |
ctrl+shift+arrow right/arrow left | Move to the next/previous tab (e.g. task list) |
ctrl+shift+l | Jump to Login screen |
Commands | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Note: you may need to click on the map before these will work | arrow keys |
Pan map in direction indicated | page up/page down, home/end |
Pan map in direction indicated (larger step than arrow keys) | +/- |
Zoom in/zoom out | ctrl+shift+l |
Move cursor to the |