Shortcuts Remember the Milk for Web Application

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Remember the Milk for Web Application which is used on the operating system Other OS, in this hotkeys description 46 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Editing Tasks

Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
t Add a new task
c Complete the selected task
p Postpone the selected task by one day
d Edit the due date of the selected task
f Edit the repeat of the selected task
g Edit the estimated time of the selected task
s Edit the tags of the selected task
u Edit the url of the selected task
l Edit the location of the selected task
y Add a note to the selected task
r Rename the selected task
z Undo the last action
1 Set selected task to priority 1
2 Set selected task to priority 2
3 Set selected task to priority 3
4 Set selected task to no priority
delete Delete the selected task
m Toggle multi-edit mode (SmartAdd must be disabled)


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Allows you to specify all the details of a new task by typing the right syntax into the task box.Must be enabled in the 'General' tab of the 'Settings' page. ^
Specify a due date See supported due date formats. !1/2/3
Specify a priority. #
Specify a list or tag @
Specify a location (location must already be defined in RTM) *
Specify repeat options. See supported repeat formats. =
Specify a time estimate. See supported time estimate formats.


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
a Select all tasks in the list
n Select none of the tasks in the list
j/k Move up / move down in the list
i Select current item in the list
h Switch between Task and Notes tabs for selected task
tab Save input and move to next input field
escape Remove cursor from current input field
shift+click Select all tasks between first and second task clicked
Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
ctrl+shift+/ Place the cursor in the search box
ctrl+shift+6 Jump to Overview screen
ctrl+shift+7 Jump to Tasks screen
ctrl+shift+8 Jump to Locations screen
ctrl+shift+9 Jump to Contacts screen
ctrl+shift+0 Jump to Settings screen
ctrl+shift+arrow right/arrow left Move to the next/previous tab (e.g. task list)
ctrl+shift+l Jump to Login screen


Commands Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Note: you may need to click on the map before these will work arrow keys
Pan map in direction indicated page up/page down, home/end
Pan map in direction indicated (larger step than arrow keys) +/-
Zoom in/zoom out ctrl+shift+l
Move cursor to the
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 05.02.2019
Page views: 1825
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program