MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
? | Help |
F1 | Zoom In |
F2 | Zoom Out |
F3 | Zoom Redraw |
F4 | Zoom Center |
Home | Fit on Screen |
Del | Delete Item |
Insert | Repeat Lest Item |
Tab | Move Block -> Drag Block |
M | Move Item |
C | Copy Component or Label |
G | Drag Item |
A | Add Component |
P | Add Power |
R | Rotate Item |
X | Mirror X Component |
Y | Mirror Y Component |
N | Orient Normal Component |
E | Edit Item |
V | Edit Value |
U | Edit Reference |
F | Edit Footprint |
W | Begin Wire |
B | Begin Bus |
K | End Line Wire Bus |
L | Add Label |
H | Add Hierarchical Label |
J | Add Junction |
Q | Add No Connect Flag |
S | Add Sheet |
Z | Add Wire Entry |
/ | Add Bus Entry |
MacOS | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Spacebar | Reset Local Coordinates |
Command+Z | Undo |
Command+Y | Redo |
K | Track Display Mode |
Delete | Delete |
Backspace | Delete Track Segment |
X | Add New Track |
V | Add Via |
Command+V | Add Microvia |
/ | Switch Track Posture |
D | Drag Track, Keep Slope |
P | Place Item |
C | Copy Item |
End | End Track |
M | Move Item |
F | Flip Item |
R | Rotate Item |
G | Drag Item |
T | Get and Move Footprint |
L | Lock/Unlock Footprint |
Command+S | Save Board |
Command+L | Load Board |
Command+F | Find Item |
End | Edit Item |
PgDn | Switch to Cooper Layer |
F5 | Switch to Inner Layer 1 |
F6 | Switch to Inner Layer 2 |
PgUp | Switch to Component Layer |
+ | Switch to Next Layer |
- | Switch to Previous Layer |
O | Add Module |
W | Switch Track Width to Next |
Command+W | Switch Track Width to Previous |
H | Switch Highcontrast Mode |