Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F2 | Edit text. |
F3 | Edit group. |
Ctrl+F3 | Exit group. |
Shift+F3 | Duplicate |
F4 | Position and Size |
F5 | View Slide Show. |
Ctrl+Shift+F5 | Navigator |
F7 | Spellcheck |
Ctrl+F7 | Thesaurus |
F8 | Edit Points. |
Ctrl+Shift+F8 | Fit text to frame. |
F11 | Styles and Formatting |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Alt+Page Up | mov thru commnts |
Ctrl+Alt+Page Down | mov thru commnts |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc | End presentation. |
Down Arrow | Play next effect (if any, else go to next slide). Or Space , Right arrow or or Page Down or Enter or N |
Up Arrow | Play previous effect again. If no previous effect exists on this slide, show previous slide. Or Arrow Left/ Page Up or Backspace or P |
Alt+Page Down | Go to next slide without playing effects. |
1...9+Enter | Type a number of a slide and press Enter to go to the slide. |
Alt+Page Up | Go to the previous slide without playing effects. |
Home | Jump to first slide in the slide show. |
End | Jump to the last slide in the slide show. |
Ctrl+Page Up | Go to the previous slide. |
Ctrl+Page Down | Go to the next slide. |
b/. | Show black screen until next key or mouse wheel event. |
w/, | Show white screen until next key or mouse wheel event. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
+ / - | Zoom in / Zoome out |
* on numeric keyboard | Fit page in window. |
/ on numeric keyboard | Zoom in on current selection. |
Shift+Ctrl+g | Group selected objects. |
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+a | Ungroup selected group. |
Ctrl+ lick | Enter a group, so that you can edit the individual objects of the group. Click outside the group to return to the normal view. |
Shift+Ctrl+k | Combine selected objects. Press again to split selected object |
Ctrl++ / Ctrl+- | Bring to forward / Send backwards |
Shift+Ctrl++ / Shift+Ctrl+= | Bring to front / send to back |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Arrow Keys | Moves the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow. |
Ctrl+Arrow Key | Move around in the page view. |
Shift+ drag | Constrains the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically. |
Ctrl+drag (with Copy when moving option active) | Hold down Ctrl and drag an object to create a copy of the object. |
Alt | Hold down Alt to draw or resize objects by dragging from the center of the object outward. |
Alt+click | Select the object behind the currently selected object. |
Alt+Shift+click | Select the object in front of the currently selected object. |
Shift+click | Select adjacent items or a text passage. Click at the start of a selection, move to the end of the selection, and then hold down Shift while you click. |
Shift+drag (when resizing) | Hold down Shift while dragging to resize an object to maintain the proportions of the object. |
Tab | Select objects in the order in which they were created. |
Shift+Tab | Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created. |
Esc | Exit current mode. |
Enter | Activate a placeholder object in a new presentation (only if the frame is selected). |
Ctrl+Enter | Moves to the next text object on the slide. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc | Moves the focus to the first slide. |
Arrow Key | Moves the focus to the next slide. |
Space | Makes the slide with the focus the current slide. |