Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F1 | Help |
Ctrl+N | New scene |
Ctrl+O | Open saved scene |
Ctrl+I | Open saved image |
Ctrl+W | Close current scene |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Close all open scenes |
Ctrl+S | Save current scene |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save scene as |
Ctrl+Q | Quit Modo |
Alt+F12 | Config file save |
Shift+F5 | Run script |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Redo |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Delete | Delete (not available in Items mode) |
Ctrl+R | Brings up the last tool used |
Alt+R | Brings up the last tool used, ignoring UI interactions and selections |
Ctrl+Tab | Layout switcher, organized by most recent |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+Click | Rotate view |
Alt+Middle-click | Rotate viewport Z axis (bank) view |
Alt+Right-click | Flick' rotate |
Shift+Alt+Left-click | Pan view |
Shift+Alt+Right-click | Pan up/down only |
Ctrl+Alt+Left-click | Zoom to mouse position |
Ctrl+Alt+Right-click | Box zoom |
. (period) | Zoom in (only in component modes) |
Shift+. (period) | Zoom in x2 |
, (comma) | Zoom out (only in component modes) |
Shift+ , (comma) | Zoom out x2 |
G | Center the view on the cursor's position |
/ | Turntable (only in component modes) |
Shift+/ | When turntable is running, displays upright turntable |
Mouse Wheel Scroll | Zoom view in and out to mouse pointer |
A | Fit (zoom to scene extents/all items) |
Shift+A | Fit selected (zooms to selected elements) |
Ctrl+A | Align selected (aligns view to the current selection) |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Fit and align selected (zooms and aligns the view to the current selection) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
O | Open the viewport options pop-over |
0 | Maximize/minimize the viewport within the group |
. (decimal) | Perspective |
1 | Top (press again to toggle top/bottom view) |
Shift+1 | Bottom |
2 | Front (press again to toggle front/back view) |
Shift+2 | Back |
3 | Right (press again to toggle right /left view) |
Shift+3 | Left |
Shift+4 | Shaded |
Shift+5 | Texture |
Shift+6 | Reflection |
Shift+7 | Wireframe |
Shift+8 | Solid |
Shift+9 | Vertex Map |
/ | Wireframe None |
Shift+/ | Wireframe Light |
Ctrl+/ | Wireframe Dark |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F | In Items selection mode, locate selected item (layer). In other modes flip polygons |
Shift+click | Expand/close all (also in Shader Tree) |
' (apostrophe) | Swap foreground/background layers |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate selected layer(s) (only in Items mode) |
Shift+D | Instance selected layer(s) (only in Items mode) |
N | New Mesh Item |
L | New locator item (only in Items mode) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
I | Select modifier input |
O | Select modifier output |
C | Channel haul on (only in Items mode) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F2 | Modeling toolbox |
F3 | Sculpt/paint toolbox |
F4 | Setup toolbox |
F5 | Command History viewport |
F6 | Presets viewport |
F7 | Graph Editor |
F8 | Render preview |
F11 | Snapping pop-over |
` (backtick) | Toggle window visibility |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+` (backtick) | Layout switch favorites |
Ctrl+1 | GL viewport toggles |
Ctrl+2 | GL viewport style |
Ctrl+Space | GL viewport view type |
Ctrl+3 | Open pop-over |
Alt+Q | Selection mode/Transform tools |
Alt+ ` (backtick) | Open palette |
Shift+ ` (backtick) | Properties and options |
B | Brushes pie menu (only when a Brush tool is active) |
Alt+Space | Animation shortcuts (only in the Animation layout) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Q | Drops active tool |
K | "Tool properties pop-over |
Esc | Escape current operation/drop active selection |
Space | Cycle-through Component modes |
Shift+Space | Toggle Component mode to Item Mode (or last mode) |
- | Tool handle smaller |
0 | Toggle tool handle visibility (not on the numeric keypad; only on Mac) |
Ctrl+D | Reset tool attributes |
Shift+0-9 | Select layer 1-10 |
Alt+Space | Quick access pop-over |
M | Assign material tag |
Tab | Toggle subdivision surfaces |
Shift+Tab | Toggle Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces |
Keypad +/- | Increase/decrease subdivision level |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+W | Origin |
Alt+E | Pivot |
Alt+A | Automatic |
Alt+S | Selection |
Alt+D | Selection center, auto axis |
Alt+Q | Displays pie menu |
Alt+F | Screen |
Alt+Z | Element |
Alt+X | Local |
Alt+G | Pivot center, parent axis |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+Shift+A | Select all |
Arrow Up | More (select next plausible element in loop) |
Shift+Arrow Up | Select expand |
Arrow Down | Less (de-select last element) |
Shift+Arrow Down | Shrink |
Arrow Left | Select previous loop |
Shift+Arrow Left | Select previous loop add |
Arrow Right | Select next loop |
Shift+Arrow Right | Select next loop add |
L | Select loop |
Alt+L | Select ring |
] | Connected |
[ | Invert selection |
Shift+] | Close loop |
Shift+G | Select between |
Alt+1 | Convert selection to vertices |
Alt+2 | Convert selection to edges |
Alt+3 | Convert selection to polygons |
; (semicolon) | Select through toggle |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
H | Hide selected |
Shift+H | Hide unselected |
Ctrl+H | Hide invert (toggle state) |
U | Show |
J | Lock selected |
Shift+J | Lock unselected |
Ctrl+J | Lock invert (toggle state) |
I | Unlock |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Home | Align to geometry under cursor |
Shift+Home | Align to selection (average of all selected) |
Ctrl+Home | Align to viewport |
End | Reset the Work Plane |
Shift+End | Open Work Plane pop-over |
Page Up | Walk + |
Page Down | Walk - |
Keypad * (asterisk) | Toggle visibility |
Alt+O | Offset Work Plane to geometry position under cursor |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
X | Toggle snap state (hold with tool active for temporary snap) |
F11 | Open snapping pop-over |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Element snap |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
W | Move |
E | Rotate |
Alt+Shift+E | Planar rotate |
R | Scale |
Shift+R | Uniform scale |
Y | Transform |
Ctrl+E | Bend |
T | Element move (Tweak) |
Ctrl+T | Soft drag |
Shift+Y | Flex tool |
Shift+S | Smooth tool |
Shift+X | Extrude |
Shift+L | Radial sweep |
Shift+Q | Grow quad row from edge |
Z | Extend edge |
Shift+V | Mirror tool |
Backspace | Remove |
Ctrl+Backspace | Collapse |
B | Bevel |
Shift+B | Polygon bevel |
Alt+B | Sketch extrude |
Ctrl+B | Create polygon of given type from vertex selection |
C | Edge slice |
Shift+C | Polygon slice |
Alt+C | Loop slice |
D | Subdivide selected geometry |
Shift+D | Open subdivide options |
F | Flip polygon normal |
Ctrl+L | Split face by selected vertices |
P | Make polygon |
Shift+T | Triple polygons (convert to triangles) |
V | Spin edge |
Alt+V | Spin quads curves |
Shift+O | Make open curve |
Ctrl+P | Make closed curve |
Shift+W | Weight tool |
Shift+M | Morph tool |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
B | Open brush tips pie menu (only when tool is active) |
O | Open large color picker pop-over (hover over UI color picker) |
S | Swap foreground/background colors |
E/R | Image ink rotate left/right |
D/F | Image ink scale up/down |
Shift+Z | Adjust offset amount (sticky key, only while Brush tool is active) |
Alt+(numeric pad) + | Subdivision level up |
Alt+(numeric pad) - | Subdivision level down |
Ctrl+(numeric pad) + | Current level up |
Ctrl+(numeric pad) - | Current level down |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Alt+Click+Drag | Move camera item |
Shift+Alt+right-click+Drag | Move up/down direction only |
Alt+Click+Drag | Rotate around target distance |
Alt+Right-click+Drag | Rotate around Z axis |
Ctrl+Middle-click+Drag | Image ink scale up/down |
Ctrl+Alt+Click+drag | Move forward/backward only |
Ctrl+Alt+Right-click+Drag | Adjust focal length |
Roll Mouse Wheel | Zooms to cursor |
Ctrl+A | Auto focus camera (only in a viewport defined as Camera and with auto-focus enabled) |
Ctrl+F | Restart preview (only in the Preview viewport) |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+Z | Select all animated items |
Z | Select all animated channels |
Ctrl+G | Group selected items (under group locator) |
P | Parent in place |
Ctrl+P | Parent |
Shift+P | Unparent in place |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Unparent |
Shift+Arrow Up | Go to first frame |
Ctrl+Arrow Up | Go to first keyframe |
Ctrl+Arrow Left | Go to previous keyframe |
Shift+Arrow Left | Go back one frame |
/ | Start/stop animation playback |
Shift+Arrow Right | Go forward one frame |
Ctrl+Arrow Right | Go to next keyframe |
Ctrl+Arrow Down | Go to last keyframe |
Shift+Y | Key transforms |
Shift+E | Key rotations |
Shift+W | Key positions |
Shift+R | Key scale |
S | Key selected channels |
Shift+S | Key selected items |
A | Fit selected |
Ctrl+F | Fit visible |
Shift+F | Fit visible width |
Alt+click | Pan view |
Ctrl+Alt+Click | Scale view |
Alt+Right-click | Scale graph size |
Ctrl+Alt+Right-click | Box zoom (drag box to zoom) |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste insert keyframes to selected channels |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Paste replace keyframes to selected channels |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F9 | Render |
Ctrl+F9 | Render visible |
Shift+F9 | Render selected |
F10 | Render current view |
Alt+Shift+F9 | Open render display window |
Ctrl+F | Focus under cursor |
mouse wheel | Preview zoom |
middle-click+drag | Jump the preview out to the original focal length (only when zoomed in) |