Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc/Alt+F4 | Close the current form without saving changes. |
Ctrl+N | Create a record. |
Alt+F9 | Delete a record. |
Ctrl+Shift+Home | If a grid control does not have focus, this keyboard combination selects the first field on the form. If a grid control has focus, this keyboard combination selects multiple records in the grid. |
Ctrl+Shift+End | If a grid control does not have focus, this keyboard combination selects the last field on the form. If a grid control has focus, this keyboard combination selects multiple records in the grid. |
Tab+Enter (skips buttons; includes fields on all Tabs) | Move to the next control on a non-dialog form. |
Shift+Tab (includes buttons; includes fields only on the current Tab)Shift+ENTER (skips buttons; includes fields on all Tabs) | Move to the previous control on a non-dialog form. |
Ctrl+Home | Move to the first record. |
Ctrl+End | Move to the last record. |
Ctrl+PgUp | Move to the previous record. |
Ctrl+PgDn | Move to the next record. |
PgDn | Move to the next page of records. |
PgUp | Move to the previous page of records. |
Shift+F10 | Open a context menu (right-click menu) for the current field. |
Ctrl+Alt+F4 | Display the form where the values for the current field are maintained. |
Ctrl+P | Print a report of the contents of the current form (auto report). |
F5 | Refresh the information displayed in the form. |
Ctrl+F5 | Cancel changes and restore the active record. |
Spacebar | Select the button with focus. |
Ctrl+F4 | Save changes and close the current form. |
Ctrl+S | Save changes to a form. |
Ctrl+Tab | Move to the next Tab (when a control on a Tab has focus). |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Move to the previous Tab when a control on a Tab has focus). |
Ctrl+Shift and then + | Expand all Fast Tabs. |
Ctrl+Shift and then - | Collapse all Fast Tabs. |
Ctrl and + | Expand the Fast Tab that has focus. |
Ctrl and - | Collapse the Fast Tab that has focus. |
Ctrl + 1..9 | Move focus to a specific Tab. |
Enter | Select the default button on a dialog form. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+D | Open the AOT |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Open a new Development Workspace |
Ctrl+W | Open a new Application Workspace |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save all |
Select one/ more application objects under a top-level node, and then press Ctrl+A | Select all application objects in a node |
Ctrl+Shift+F2 | Open the editor for an application object |
Ctrl+O | Open the editor for a query/Table |
Select one/ more application objects, and then press Ctrl+G | Open the Comparison tool |
F7 | Compile an application object |
Up Arrow | Go to the previous node |
Down Arrow | Go to the next node |
Alt+Up Arrow | Move the node up |
Alt+Down Arrow | Move the node down |
Right Arrow | Expand the current node |
Left Arrow | Collapse the current node |
Ctrl | Select multiple items |
Ctrl+Spacebar | Cancel the selection of an additional item |
Alt+Enter | Open the Properties sheet |
Select one/ more application objects, and then press Ctrl+Shift+I | Open the Import dialog box |
Ctrl+F | Open the Find dialog box to find an element in the AOT |
F1 | Open the Help documentation for an element in the AOT |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Up Arrow | Move to the record above the currently selected record. |
Down Arrow | Move to the record below the currently selected record. |
Ctrl+Home | Move to the first record. |
Ctrl+End | Move to the last record. |
PgUp | Move to previous page of records. |
PgDn | Move to next page of records. |
Alt+Down Arrow | Open the selection list for a drop-down list. |
Ctrl+Shift+Home | Select records in a list from the selected record to the first record in the list. |
Ctrl+Shift+End | Select records in a list from the first selected record to the last record in the list. |
Ctrl+A | Select all records in a list. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+F1 | Display the Navigation Pane if it is collapsed. |
Alt | Display key tips for the File menu. |
Alt+V | Display the View menu. |
Alt+W | Display the Windows menu. |
Alt+H | Display the Help menu. |
Shift+Alt+F1 | Turn the auto-hide mode for the Navigation Pane on an off. |
Ctrl+Tab | Move between modules. |
Up Arrow/ Down Arrow | In the Navigation Pane tree view, select the next and previous item, respectively. |
Right Arrow and Left Arrow | In the Navigation Pane, expand and collapse the selected item, respectively. |
F11 | Move the cursor to the address bar. |
Alt+Left Arrow | Use the Back function on the address bar. |
Alt+Right Arrow | Use the Forward function on the address bar. |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Display the shortcut menu for the Presence indicator. |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F1 | Display the Help window. |
Alt+F4 | Close the Help window. |
Ctrl+P | Print the current Help topic. |
F5 | Refresh the help topic. |
Ctrl+F | Search for words in a help topic. |
Ctrl+A | Select all contents of a topic. |
Ctrl+E | Move the cursor to the search box. |
Alt+Home | Display the default help topic. |
Ctrl+C | Copy selected content. |
Down Arrow and Up Arrow | In a Table of contents, select the next and previous item, respectively. |
Right Arrow and Left Arrow | In a Table of contents, expand and collapse the selected item, respectively. |
Tab | Move the cursor to the next hidden text/ hyperlink,/ Expand All/ Collapse All at the top of a topic. |
Shift+Tab | Move the cursor to the previous hidden text/ hyperlink. |
Enter | Perform the action for the selected Expand All, Collapse All, hidden text,/ hyperlink. |
Alt+Left Arrow | Move back to the previous Help topic. |
Alt+Right Arrow | Move forward to the next Help topic. |
Up Arrow and Right Arrow | Scroll small amounts up and down, respectively, in the currently displayed Help topic. |
PgUp and PgDn | Scroll larger amounts up and down, respectively, in the currently displayed Help topic. |
Alt+O | Display the Options menu. |