Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+T | New pane tab |
Alt+Shift+C | Tear off pane tab |
Ctrl+Page down | Next pan tab |
Ctrl+Page up | Previous pane tab |
Ctrl+W | Close pane tab |
Alt+/ | Close all pane tab |
Alt+\ | Network control |
Alt+P | Move playbar here |
Ctlr+B | Maximize pane |
Alt+[ | Split pane left/right |
Alt+] | Split pan top/botton |
Ctrl+N | Select viewport |
Ctrl+I | Edit path as text |
Alt+1 | Scene view |
Alt+2 | Network view |
Alt+3 | Parameters |
Alt+4 | Tree view |
Alt+5 | Textport |
Alt+6 | Channel editor |
Alt+7 | Material palette |
Alt+8 | Details view |
Alt+9 | Context view |
Up arrow | Play forward |
Down arrow | Play back |
Right arrow | Next frame |
Left arrow | Previous frame |
Ctrl+Up arrow | First frame |
Ctrl+Right arrow | Next scoped frame |
Ctrl+Left arrow | Previous scoped frame |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
S | Select |
T | Move |
R | Rotate |
E | Scale |
Enter | Handle |
Esc | View |
Tab | Tool menu |
Q | Repeat last tool |
1 | Objects |
2 | Points |
3 | Edges |
4 | Primitives (faces) |
5 | Vertices |
6 | Particles |
7 | Dynamics |
F8 | Toggle object/geometry |
W | Toggle wireframe/shaded |
D | Dispay options |
[ | Restore camera view |
O | Orthographic/ perspective |
N | Select |
Ctrl+A | Select all |
Ctrl+I | Invert selection |
Left mouse button | Tumble |
Right mouse button | Dolly |
Middle mouse button | Pan |
H | Home grid |
A | Home all |
Shift+G | Home selected |
F | Frame grid |
Shift+A | Frame all |
Shift+F | Frame selected |
B | Expand viewport |
1 | Perspective view |
2 | Top view |
3 | Front view |
4 | Right view |
5 | UV view |
Ctrl+1 | Single view |
Ctrl+2 | Four view |
Ctrl+3 | Two views stacked |
Ctrl+4 | Two views side by side |
Ctrl+5 | Three views split bottom |
Ctrl+6 | Three views split left |
Ctrl+7 | Four views split bottom |
Ctrl+8 | Four view split left |
X | Grid |
C | Primitive(Curve) |
V | Point |
Ctrl+J | Multi-snapping |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Tab | Tool menu |
Alt+Left arrow | Next pane |
Alt+Right arrow | Previous pane |
A | Select all |
B+Cursor sensitive | Turn on bypass flag |
C | Color palette |
D | Display options |
E | Drop on wire |
F | Focus - pans and zooms |
G | Focus/home in large |
H | Focus - pans and centers |
I&Enter | Dive into network |
K | Set key frame at obj level |
L | Layout and center |
N | Toggle names |
O | Overview window |
P | Mini parameter editor |
Q | Repeat last tool |
R | Reorder inputs |
S | Toggle splines |
T | Tree list view |
U | Jump up out of network |
V | Scope channel |
W | Outliner view |
X | Group menu |
Z | Previous zoom level |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
K | Set keyframe |
Alt+K | Toggle autokey |
Ctrl+K | Key handle |
Shift+T | Key translate |
Shift+R | Key rotate |
Shift+E | Key scale |
Shift+Right mouse button | Revert to previous value |
Shift+Left mouse button | Scope appended parameter |
Shift+RIght mouse button | Scope parameter |
Alt+Left mouse button | Set key frame |
Crtl+Left mouse button | Remove key frame |
Alt+E | Edit expression |
Ctrl+Shift+Left mouse button | Delete channel |
Right mouse button+Label | Read expression |
Middle mouse button+Label | Read expression |
Alt+Middle mouse button | Export parameter to type prorperties |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Up arrow | Move up list |
Down arrow | Move down list |
Left arrow | Expand |
Rigth arrow | Collapse |
Page up&Ctrl+B | Page up |
Page down&Ctrl+F | Page down |
Shift+A | Sort ascending |
Shift+D | Sort Descending |
Shift+N | Sort nothing |
Enter | Edit name |
Delete | Delete |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
I&Enter | Edit Network |
1 | Toggle display |
Shift+E | Previous error node |
E | Next error node |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+T | Append take |
Insert | Insert take |
Alt+C/Ctrl+C | Copy take |
W | Show take controls |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
W | Open spreadsheet |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Delete | Delete entry |
D | Duplicate entry |
Enter | Edit |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
N | Full node path |
C | Select none |
W | Open parameter tree |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+E | External editor |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
> | Import into Displayed parameters |
< | Export into Displayed parameters |
I | Isolate channels |
Shift+I | Include channels |
Alt+X | Cut |
Alt+C | Copy |
Alt+V | Paste |
Delete | Delete |
T | Tie/Untie |
B | Set selection to default values |
0 | Set selected slopes to zero |
9 | Smooth selected slopes |
G | Home channels (Current graph) |
H | Home channels |
J | Home play back range |
Shift+J | Home global range |
F | Frame selction |
V | Vertical adapt |
Y | Show scale handle |
N | Show full channel names |
Shift+N | Show channel names |
X | Show group list |
Tab/Backspace | Show channel lister |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Backspace | Delete is |
Delete | Backspace is |
Command | Combo |
Function | Combo |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
S | Suspend all jobs |
R | Restart all jobs |
Shift+K | Kill all jobs |
C | Clear completed jobs |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Snap option |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
M | Object |
L | Resolution |
A | Transparency |
H | Home |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc | Cancel render |
D | Display options |
I | Inspector |
G&H | Home/Focus |
M | Detail view |
//Shift+/ | Repeat zoom |
+ | Zoom in |
- | Zoom out |
' | RGBA |
1 | Red |
2 | Green |
3 | Blue |
4 | Alpha |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+B | New bundle |
Shift+D | Duplicate bundle |
Delete | Delete bundle |
F | Show full path for bundle nodes |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
U | Jump up |
I&Enter | Jump down |
Page up | Set current above |
Page down | Set current below |
Shift+Page up | Set current left |
Shift+Page down | Set current right |