Shortcuts VistaSwitcher for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the VistaSwitcher for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 26 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Moving Between Open Windows

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Tab Switch between open windows (temporarily shows the window list; same behavior as standard Windows task switcher)
Alt+` Switch between open windows of the same application
Ctrl+Alt+Tab Switch between open windows on the current monitor (for multiple monitor setups)
Windows+F12 Show the list of all open windows (same as alt+tab, but doesn't dissapear when key is released)
Windows+F11 Show the list of all open windows of the current application (same as alt+', but doesn't dissapear when key is released)

Window List Selection

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
arrow keys or pageup/pagedown or home/End Select a window from the list
` Navigate to the next window of the current application
1, 2 ....9 Select window number 1, 2....9
Shift+Arrow Keys Select multiple windows
S or Insert Select the current window and move to the next
D or Backspace Deselect the current window and move to the next
a Select/Deselect all
Delete Remove the selected window from the list (temporary - does not actually close the window).

Window Management

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
space or enter Switch to the selected window
f2 or m Minimize the selected window
c cascade the selected windows
v Tile selected windows vertically
h Tile selected windows horizontally
f6 or < Restore the selected windows
f7 or > Maximize the selected windows
f4 or x Close the selected windows
f8 or t Terminate the selected tasks (kills the application and closes all windows - very powerful)
f9 or - Sort the window list by title
f10 or + Sort the window list by application

Application / Other

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
p Open the preferences menu
e Explore the .exe path of the selected window's application
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Date of change: 25.01.2019
Page views: 1179
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program