Shortcuts NetBeans for Windows
We present to your attention the shortcuts for the NetBeans for Windows which is used on the operating
system Windows, in this hotkeys description 136 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered.
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General Keyboard Shortcts
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+F3 | Search word at insert point |
F3/Shift+F3 | Find next/previous in file |
Ctrl+F/H | Find/Replace in file |
Alt+F7 | Find usages |
Ctrl+Shift+F/H | Find/replace in projects |
Alt+Shift+U | Find usages results |
Alt+Shift+H | Turn off search result highlights |
Ctrl+R | Rename |
Ctrl+U, then U | Convert selection to uppercase |
Ctrl+U, then L | Convert selection to lowercase |
Ctrl+U, then S | Toggle case of selection |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste formatted |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Show Clipboard History |
Ctrl+I | Jump to quick search field |
Alt+Shift+L | Copy file path |
Ctrl+O/Alt+Shift+O | Go to type/file |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Go to JUnit test |
Ctrl+Shift+B | Go to source |
Ctrl+B | Go to declaration |
Ctrl+G | Go to line |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Toggle add/remove bookmark |
Ctrl+Shift+./, | Next/previous bookmark |
Ctrl+./, | Next/previous usage/compile error |
Alt+Shift+./, | Select next/previous element |
Ctrl+Shift+1/2/3 | Select in Projects/Files/Favorites |
Ctrl+[ | Move caret to matching bracket |
Ctrl+K/Ctrl+Shift+K | Next/previous word match |
Alt+Left Arrow/Alt+Right Arrow/Ctrl+Q | Go backward/forward/to last edit |
Alt+Up Arrow/Down Arrow | Next/previous marked occurrence |
Coding in C/C++
Windows | Description Edit
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Alt+Shift+C | Go to declaration |
Ctrl+F9 | Evaluate expression |
Coding in Java
Windows | Description Edit
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Alt+Insert | Generate code |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Fix all class imports |
Alt+Shift+I | Fix selected class's import |
Alt+Shift+F | Format selection (Indent) |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys | Shift lines left/right/up/down |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Rectangular Selection (Toggle) |
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Copy lines up/down |
Ctrl/Alt+F12 | Inspect members/hierarchy |
Ctrl+Shift+C/Ctrl+/ | Add/remove comment lines |
Ctrl+E | Delete current line |
Java Editor Code Templates
Windows | Description Edit
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Type shortcut and press Tab | psvm |
public static void main | En |
Enumeration | Ex |
Exception | Psf |
public static final | Psfb |
public static final boolean | Psfi |
public static final int | Psfs |
public static final String | St |
String | ab |
abstract | as |
assert true | br |
break | bo |
boolean | ca |
catch | cl |
class | cn |
continue | db |
double | df |
default | eq |
equal | ex |
extends | pu |
public | pr |
private | pe |
protected | th |
throws | fy |
finally | im |
implements | ie |
interface | tw |
throw | ir |
import | le |
length | sout |
System.out.println() | soutv |
System.out.println("obj"+obj) | wh |
while | vo |
volatile | iof |
instanceof | fi |
final | fl |
float | fa |
false | sh |
short | psf |
private static final | psfb |
private static final boolean | psfi |
private static fianl int | psfs |
private static final String | pst |
printStackTrace() | bcom |
/**/ | |
JSP Editor Code Templates
Windows | Description Edit
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Type shortcut and press Tab | al |
windows.alert() | br |
break; | fun |
function${name}... | hi |
windows.history | dw |
document.write() | eq |
${}equals | fa |
${}false | lo |
${}windows.location | re |
${}return | Win |
$()window | ca |
${}caseCatch() | catch |
catch | cond |
windows.consoledebug() | coni | | conl |
windows.console.log() | conw |
windows.console.warn() | ct |
${}catch | do |
${}document | iof |
${}instanceof | |
Compiling, Testing, and Running
Windows | Description Edit
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F9 | Compile package/ file |
F11 | Build main project |
Shift+F11 | Clean and build main project |
Ctrl+Q | Set request parameters |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Create Unit test |
Ctrl+F6/Alt+F6 | Run Unit test on file/project |
F6/Shift+F6 | Run main project/file |
Opening and Toggling between Views
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+Tab (Ctrl+`) | Switch between open documents by order used |
Shift+Esc | Maximize window (toggle) |
Ctrl+F4/Ctrl+W | Close selected window |
Ctrl+Shift+F4 | Close all windows |
Shift+F10 | Open contextual menu |
Ctrl+Page Up / Page Down | Switch between open documents by order of tabs |
Ctrl+Alt+T | Reopen recently closed file |
Ctrl+Alt+Page Up / Page Down | Toggle between editor types |
Alt+Mouse Wheel Up / Down | Zoom text in / out |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Toggle Inspect Mode |
Windows | Description Edit
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Ctrl+F5 | Start debugging main project |
Ctrl+Shift+F5 | Start debugging current file |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Start debugging test for file |
Shift+F5/F5 | Stop/Continue debugging session |
F4 | Run to cursor location in file |
F7/F8 | Step into/over |
Ctrl+F7 | Step out |
Ctrl+Alt+Up | Go to called method |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down | Go to calling method |
Ctrl+F9 | Evaluate expression |
Ctrl+F8 | Toggle breakpoint |
Ctrl+Shift+F8 | New breakpoint |
Ctrl+Shift+F7 | New watch |
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program