Shortcuts Mastercam for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Mastercam for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 53 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+0 Set Z depth for Construction Plane
Alt+1 Set main color
Alt+4 Choose tool plane Tool Plane (Tplane)
Alt+5 Choose construction plane (Cplane)
Alt+6 Choose graphics view Graphic View
Alt+A AutoSave
Alt+B Toolbar on/off
Alt+C Run C-Hooks
Alt+D Drafting global parameters
Alt+E Hide/unhide geometry
Alt+F Menu font
Alt+G Selection grid parameters
Alt+H On-line help
Alt+J Job setup
Alt+L Set entity attributes
Alt+N Edit named views
Alt+O Operations Manager
Alt+P Prompt area on/off
Alt+Q Undo last operation
Alt+R Edit last operation
Alt+S Full-time shading on/off
Alt+T In Toolpath menu, turn toolpath display on/off
Alt+U Undo last action
Alt+V Mastercam version number and SIM serial number
Alt+W Viewport configuration
Alt+X Set main color, level, line style and width from selected entity
Alt+Z Set visible levels
Alt+‘ Create two-point circle
Alt+- With hidden entities, select additional entitis to hide
Alt+= Unhide selected entities
Alt+F1 Fit geometry to screen
Alt+F2 Unzoom by 0.8
Alt+F3 Cursor tracking on/off
Alt+F4 Exit Mastercam
Alt+F5 Delete using window selection
Alt+F7 Blank geometry
Alt+F8 System configuration
Alt+F9 Display all axes
Alt+F10 Maximize and minimize screen
F1 Zoom
F2 Unzoom
F3 Repaint
F4 Show Analyze menu
F5 Show Delete menu
F6 Show File menu
F7 Show Modify menu
F8 Show Create menu
F9 Part information on/off
F10 List all functions and execute selected
Esc System interrupt or menu backup
Page Up Zoom in by 0.8
Page Down Zoom out by 0.8
Arrow Keys Pan
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Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1781
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program