Shortcuts Battlefield for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Battlefield for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 78 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Beginner's Approch by PC Keyboard

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
W/A/S/D Move as direction
Left Shift Sprint
Mouse Camera Control
Left Ctrl Crouch
X Toggle Crouch
Z Prone
Spacebar Jump / Vault
Backspace Battlelog
Left Click Fire Weapon
Right Click Aim
R Reload
Hold R Pick Up Item
Q Engage / Spot
Hold Q Tactical Visor / CommoRose
Mouse Wheel Switch Weapon
1/2/3/4/5 Switch Gadget
G Throw Grenade
E Interact
T Accessory
V Fire Mode
J All Chat
K Team Chat
L Squad Chat
Esc Game Menu
Tab Scoreboard
F1..F6 Vehicle Slots


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Q Engage/Spot

Fire Modes

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Hold the trigger down for continuous fire. Full Auto
Pulling the trigger fires one round at a time Semi Auto
Pulling the trigger fires two to three rounds at a time Burst Fire
Reload Single Shot

Beginners's Approch(By XBox )

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Left Stick Move
L3 Sprint
Right Stick Camera Control
Circle Crouch
Circle Toggle Crouch
Hold Circle Prone
X Jump / Vault
Select Battlelog
R1 Fire Weapon
L1 Aim
Square Reload
Hold Triangle Pick Up Item
R2 Engage / Spot
Hold R2 Tactical Visor / CommoRose
Triangle Switch Weapon
Left or Right D-Pad Switch Gadget
L2 Throw Grenade
Square Interact
Up D-PAD Accessory
Down D-PAD Fire Mode
Options Game Menu
Hold Start Scoreboard
X Vehicle Slots

Beginner's Approach(By PlayStation )

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Left Stick Move
LS Sprint
Right Stick Camera Control
B Crouch
B Toggle Crouch
Hold B Prone
A Jump / Vault
Back Battlelog
RT Fire Weapon
LT Aim
X Reload
Hold Y Pick Up Item
RB Engage / Spot
Hold RB Tactical Visor / CommoRose
Y Switch Weapon
Left or Right D-Pad Switch Gadget
LB Throw Grenade
X Interact
Up D-PAD Accessory
Down D-PAD Fire Mode
Start Game Menu
Hold Start Scoreboard
A Vehicle Slots
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1243
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program