Shortcuts Adobe Premiere for Windows

For convenient work with video editing in the Adobe Premiere CC program, use hotkeys. Combinations can be configured manually, for example, to collect all hotkeys under the left hand to release the right hand, or use standard combinations. You can configure hotkeys to the Edit - Keyboard Shortcuts window. Remember all is not necessary. Use only those combinations that will allow you to get rid of repetitive tasks, and remember the basic modifier keys, and then work will go faster and more productively. When you hover over a key in the keyboard layout, the full name of the command is highlighted.

General Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+N New Project
Ctrl+S Save Project
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As
Ctrl+alt+S Save Copy
Ctrl+W Close
Ctrl+T Title
Ctrl+O Open Existing Project
Ctrl+Alt+O Open in Adobe bridge
Ctrl+N Sequence
Ctrl+Q Exit
Ctrl+I Import
Ctrl+Alt+I Import from media browser
Ctrl+M Media
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+Shift+H Selection
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y/Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+Shift+A Deselect All
Ctrl+E Edit
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste Insert
Ctrl+Alt+V Paste Attributes
Del Clear
Shift+Del Delete forever
Ctrl+Shift+/ Duplicate

Clipping Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+L Link
Ctrl+G Group
Ctrl+Shift+G Ungroup
Ctrl+R Speed
F5 Capture
, Insert
. Overwrite
Ctrl+K Add edit
Ctrl+Shift+K Add edit to track
Ctrl+D Video transition
Ctrl+Shift+D Audio transition
Shift+R Reverse match frame
=/- Zoom in/Zoom out
S Snap
Shift+Home Go to selected clip start
Shift+End Go to selected clip end
Home Go to sequence clip start
End Go to sequence clip end
] Increse volume
Shift+- Minimize all tracks

Marker Operation

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
I/O Mark in/Mark out
X Mark clip
/ Mark selection
Shift+I Go to in
Shift+O Go to out
Ctrl+Shift+I/Ctrl+Shift+O Clear in/Clear out
Ctrl+Shift+X Clear in and out
M Add marker
Ctrl+Shift+M Previous marker
Shift+M Next marker
Ctrl+Alt+M Clear current marker
Ctrl+Shift+L Left align
Ctrl+Shift+C Center align
Ctrl+Shift+R Right align
Ctrl+Shift+T Stopping tab
Ctrl+J Templates

Window Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+1 Project
Shift+2 Source monitor
Shift+3 Timeline
Shift+4 Program monitor
Shift+5 Effect control
Shift+6 Audio track mixer
Shift+7 Effects
Shift+8 Media browser
Shift+9 Audio clip mixer
Ctrl+1..9 Cut to camera
Ctrl+Shift+P Clear poster frame
Ctrl+Shift+E Export frame
1..9 Select Camera

Panel Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
V Record video
A Record Audio
E Eject
F Fast forward
Q Go to in point
W Go to out point
R Rewind
G Record
S Stop
Left Arrow Step back
Right arrow Step forward
Bkspace Remove effects/delete item
Spacebar Play
0 Record on/off
Down arrow/Up arrow Next/Previous

Tools Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
A Track select tool
B Ripple edit tool
C Razor tool
H Hand tool
N Rolling edit tool
P Pen tool
U Slide tool
V Selection tool
Y Slip tool
Z Zoom tool
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 14.03.2019
Page views: 1299
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program