Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+Shift+N | New Project |
Ctrl+S | Save Project |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save As |
Ctrl+alt+S | Save Copy |
Ctrl+W | Close |
Ctrl+T | Title |
Ctrl+O | Open Existing Project |
Ctrl+Alt+O | Open in Adobe bridge |
Ctrl+N | Sequence |
Ctrl+Q | Exit |
Ctrl+I | Import |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Import from media browser |
Ctrl+M | Media |
Ctrl+F | Find |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Selection |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y/Ctrl+Shift+Z | Redo |
Ctrl+A | Select All |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Deselect All |
Ctrl+E | Edit |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste Insert |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Paste Attributes |
Del | Clear |
Shift+Del | Delete forever |
Ctrl+Shift+/ | Duplicate |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+L | Link |
Ctrl+G | Group |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Ungroup |
Ctrl+R | Speed |
F5 | Capture |
, | Insert |
. | Overwrite |
Ctrl+K | Add edit |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Add edit to track |
Ctrl+D | Video transition |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Audio transition |
Shift+R | Reverse match frame |
=/- | Zoom in/Zoom out |
S | Snap |
Shift+Home | Go to selected clip start |
Shift+End | Go to selected clip end |
Home | Go to sequence clip start |
End | Go to sequence clip end |
] | Increse volume |
Shift+- | Minimize all tracks |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
I/O | Mark in/Mark out |
X | Mark clip |
/ | Mark selection |
Shift+I | Go to in |
Shift+O | Go to out |
Ctrl+Shift+I/Ctrl+Shift+O | Clear in/Clear out |
Ctrl+Shift+X | Clear in and out |
M | Add marker |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Previous marker |
Shift+M | Next marker |
Ctrl+Alt+M | Clear current marker |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Left align |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Center align |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Right align |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Stopping tab |
Ctrl+J | Templates |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Shift+1 | Project |
Shift+2 | Source monitor |
Shift+3 | Timeline |
Shift+4 | Program monitor |
Shift+5 | Effect control |
Shift+6 | Audio track mixer |
Shift+7 | Effects |
Shift+8 | Media browser |
Shift+9 | Audio clip mixer |
Ctrl+1..9 | Cut to camera |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Clear poster frame |
Ctrl+Shift+E | Export frame |
1..9 | Select Camera |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
V | Record video |
A | Record Audio |
E | Eject |
F | Fast forward |
Q | Go to in point |
W | Go to out point |
R | Rewind |
G | Record |
S | Stop |
Left Arrow | Step back |
Right arrow | Step forward |
Bkspace | Remove effects/delete item |
Spacebar | Play |
0 | Record on/off |
Down arrow/Up arrow | Next/Previous |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
A | Track select tool |
B | Ripple edit tool |
C | Razor tool |
H | Hand tool |
N | Rolling edit tool |
P | Pen tool |
U | Slide tool |
V | Selection tool |
Y | Slip tool |
Z | Zoom tool |