Shortcuts Onshape for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Onshape for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 66 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+? Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Delete Delete selection
Space Clear selection
Shift+N Rename selection
Esc Cancel command
Enter Accept command
Shift+Enter Accept and repeat command
S Shortcut toolbars
Shift+click Open in new window
Ctrl+click Open in new tab
Ctlr+U Feedback
Alt+T Search Tabs


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift Lock mate interference
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
M Mate
Ctrl+M Mate connector
I Insert Dialog
Shift+S Snap mode
A Flip primary Axis
Q Reorient secondary axis
J Hide/ show mates
K Hide/ show mate connectors

Part Studio

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift+S Sketch
Shift+E Extrude
Shift+F Fillet
Ctrl+M Mate connector
Shift Lock mate interference
A Flip primary Axis
Q Reorient secondary axis
J Hide/ show mates
K Hide/ show mate connectors


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Shift Suppress inferencing
L Line
G Corner rectangle
R Center point rectcangle
C Center point circle
A 3-point arc
Shift+F Fillet
M Trim
X Extend
O Offset
U Use
D Dimension
I Coincident
B Parallel
T Tangent
H Horizontal
V Vertical
E Equal
Q Toggle construction


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Z/Shift+Z Zoom out/ in
F Zoom to Fit
W Zoom to Window
P Projected view
D Linear dimension
Shift+R Radial dimension
Shift+D Diameter dimension
N Note
Ctrl+Q Update drawing
L Line
Ctrl+S Display Sheet menu
Page Down/Page Down Next/ previous sheet
Home/End First/ last sheet
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1648
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program