Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+N | New map |
Ctrl+O | Open map |
Ctrl+S | Save map |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save as... |
Ctrl+P | |
Ctrl+W | Close map |
Ctrl+Q | Quit |
Alt+Shift+Left | Previous map |
Alt+Shift+Right | Next map |
Ctrl+E | Export to html |
Ctrl+H | Export branch to html |
Alt+Shift+A | Export branch to new MM file |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Open first file in history |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+F | Find |
Ctrl+G | Find next |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Copy single |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Alt+1 | MindMap mode |
Alt+2 | Browse mode |
Alt+3 | File mode |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Ctrl+I | Italicize |
Ctrl+B | Bold |
Ctrl+Shift+B | Cloud |
Alt+Shift+F | Change node color |
Alt+Shift+B | Blend node color |
Alt+Shift+E | Change node edge color |
Ctrl++ | Increase node font size |
Ctrl+- | Decrease node font size |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Esc | Go to root |
Up | Move up |
Down | Move down |
Left | Move left |
Right | Move right |
Ctrl+Enter | Follow link |
Alt+Up | Zoom out |
Alt+Down | Zoom in |
Ctrl+Up | Move node up |
Ctrl+Down | Move node down |
Ctrl+Left | Moved node left |
Ctrl+Right | Moved node right |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
Enter | Add sibling node |
Insert | Add child node |
Shift+Enter | Add sibling before |
Shift+Insert | Add parent node |
Windows | Description Edit Cancel Save & submit |
F2 | Edit selected node |
Alt+Enter | Edit long node |
Ctrl+J | Join nodes |
Space | Toggle folded |
Ctrl+Space | Toggle children folded |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Set link by filechooser |
Ctrl+K | Set link by text entry |
Alt+K | Set image by filechooser |