Shortcuts MyLifeOrganized for Windows

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the MyLifeOrganized for Windows which is used on the operating system Windows, in this hotkeys description 56 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Managing Files

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+O Open file ...
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+P Print

Accessing Features

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+F1 Open/close Properties pane
Alt+1 Toggle between Task List and Task Notes (useful to get back from Properties pane - e.g. Contexts field)
Alt+2 Open/close General properties
Alt+3 Open/close Timing & Reminder Properties section
Alt+4 Open/close Effort Properties section
Alt+5 Open/close Project properties section
Alt+6 Open/close Task Statistics properties section
Alt+Enter When in Rapid Text Entry box, parse the title into Tags; when in Search box move focus to 1st search result
Ctrl+Enter When in Rapid Text Entry box, parse the title into Tags; when in Search box move focus to 1st search result
Ctrl+F Find (focus moves to Search box)
Ctrl+L Open text filter in the filter panel
Ctrl+Shift+F Hide the Search results and move focus to current outline
Ctrl+Shift+L Hide the text filter
Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Arrow Up/Alt+Arrow Down Select next/ select previous sibling in the current outline
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys Rearrange tasks in the outline
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down Select next/select previous project in the current outline
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Arrow Down Select next/ select previous visible task in Outline/To-Do without focusing this task list.
Ctrl+PgUp /Ctrl+PgDn Previous / next tab
Ctrl+` Collapse/Expand all subtasks of the current task
F6 Collapse entire outline or To-Do lists
F7 Expand entire outline or To-Do list


Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+0 ... 9 Go to bookmark #1, 2...9 in the outline
Ctrl+ Go to previous/next bookmark set
Ctrl+Alt+> Open Bookmarks dialog
Shift+Ctrl+0 ... 9 Set quick bookmark #1, 2...9 to a task in the outline

Managing Tasks

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+Left Arrow/Alt+Right Arrow Jump back/forward to previously selected task
Alt+C Edit Context for a task
Alt+D Set Due Date for a task
Alt+E Toggle hidE in To-Do list
Alt+J Toggle "This is a ProJect"
Alt+L Select Context for a task from the List
Alt+P Toggle complete subtasks in order
Alt+R Reminder
Alt+S Set Start date for a task. (Defaults to today's date)
Alt+V Select View in the Outline or To-Do tab
Alt+W Toggle Weekly goal
Alt+X MaX time required
Alt+Insert Create a subtask
Ctrl+=/Ctrl+- Increase/decrease task due date by one day.
Ctrl+Alt+=/Ctrl+Alt+- Increase/decrease task due date by one week.
Ctrl+Alt+M Toggles Manual sort on and off
Ctrl+Delete Delete a task (Context)
Ctrl+H Highlight task (on/off)
Ctrl+I Italicize task name
Ctrl+M Move task
Ctrl+R/Ctrl+Alt+R Zoom in / Zoom out
Ctrl+Shift+Insert Insert new sibling folder
Ctrl+Shift+S Star on/off
Ctrl+Shift+M Rapid Text Entry dialog box (for adding new tasks)
Ctrl+Shift+P Toggle Project Status
Insert Insert a new task (Context)
Space Marks the current ask as Complete

Editing Notes

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+I Inserts Indentation
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 24.01.2019
Page views: 1640
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program