Shortcuts Microsoft Outlook for Windows

Microsoft Outlook for Windows is a personal information manager with email client and Microsoft Groupware functions. Users note the functionality and convenience of the program. Those who use the manager constantly use hotkeys that allow you to work faster and more productively in Microsoft Outlook. We have compiled a complete list of quick command combinations for Microsoft Outlook. Familiarize yourself with those who are responsible for frequently repeated tasks, and work in the program will be optimized. It does not matter what system you are working on - Windows or Mac, the combinations are the same everywhere. It also does not matter keyboard layout.

Main Outlook Features

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+1 Switch to Mail
Ctrl+2 Switch to Calendar
Ctrl+3 Switch to Contacts
Ctrl+4 Switch to Tasks
Ctrl+5 Switch to Notes
Ctrl+6 Switch to Folder List in Navigation Pane
Ctrl+7 Switch to Shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+B Open Address Book

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Tab/F6 Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and Folder List
Tab/Shift+Tab Select next/ select previous appointment
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Go to previous / next day
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Go up / down in current view
Home/End Go to beginning/end of current view
Page Up/Page Down Jump one page up/ one page down
Shift+Arrow Up/Shift+Arrow Down Day View: Extend / reduce selected time
Alt+Arrow Down/Alt+Arrow Up Go to same day in next / previous week
Alt+Page Down/Alt+Page Up Go to next or previous month
Alt+Home/Alt+End Go to start or end of week
Ctrl+G Go to date

Create Items

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Shift+A Create appointment
Ctrl+Shift+C Create contact
Ctrl+Shift+L Create distribution list
Ctrl+Shift+X Create fax
Ctrl+Shift+E Create folder
Ctrl+Shift+J Create Journal entry
Ctrl+Shift+Q Create meeting request
Ctrl+Shift+M Create message
Ctrl+Shift+N Create note
Ctrl+Shift+H Create new Microsoft Office document
Ctrl+Shift+S Post to this folder
Ctrl+T Post reply in this folder
Ctrl+Shift+P Create Search Folder
Ctrl+Shift+K Create task
Ctrl+Shift+U Create task request

Contacts Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F3/Ctrl+E Find contact or other item
F11 Enter name in Search Address Books box
Shift+letter In Table or List view of contacts, go to first contact that starts with specific letter
Ctrl+A Select all contacts
Ctrl+F Create new message addressed to selected contact
Ctrl+J Create Journal entry for selected contact
Ctrl+N Create new contact (when in Contacts)
Ctrl+Shift+C Create new contact (from any Outlook view)
Ctrl+O/Ctrl+Shift+Enter Open contact form for selected contact
Ctrl+Shift+L Create new distribution list
Ctrl+P Print
F5 Update list of distribution list members
Ctrl+Y Go to different folder
Ctrl+Shift+B Open Address Book
Ctrl+Shift+F Use Advanced Find
Ctrl+Shift+. In an open contact, open next contact listed
Esc Close contact
Ctrl+Shift+X Open Web page for selected contact (if one is included)
Alt+D Open Check Address dialog box
Alt+Shift+1 .. 3 In contact form, under Internet, display message 1 .. 3 information
Ctrl+Shift+D Dial new call

Tasks Shortcuts

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Alt+F2 Show or hide To-Do Bar
Alt+C Accept task request
Alt+D Decline task request
Ctrl+E Find task or other item
Ctrl+Y Open Go to Folder dialog box
Ctrl+N Create new task (when in Tasks)
Ctrl+Shift+K Create new task (from any Outlook view)
Ctrl+Shift+U Create new task request
Ctrl+O Open selected item
Ctrl+P Print selected item
Ctrl+A Select all items
Ctrl+D Delete selected item
Ctrl+F Forward task as an attachment
Shift+Tab Switch between Navigation Pane, Tasks list, and To-Do Bar
Ctrl+J Open selected item as Journal item
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Insert Flag an item or mark complete

Business Card View

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
a-z One or more letters of name that card is filed under or name of field that you are sorting by will select specific card in list
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Select previous / select next card
Home/End Select first / select last card in list
Page Up/Page Down Select first card on current page / next page
Arrow Right/Arrow Left Select closest card in next / previous column
Ctrl+Space Select or cancel selection of active card
Shift+Arrow Up/Shift+Arrow Down Extend selection to previous / next card
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down Extend selection to previous or next card, regardless of starting point
Shift+Home/Shift+End Extend selection to first / last card in list
Shift+Page Up/Shift+Page Down Extend selection to first / last card on previous page
Tab/Shift+Tab Move to next / move to previous field
Enter Move to next field, or add line to multiline field
Shift+Enter Move to previous field without leaving active card
F2 Display insertion point in active field to edit text

Other Outlook 2010 Shortcut

Windows Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
Ctrl+Alt+S Define Send/Receive groups
Shift+F9 Start send/receive for current folder, retrieving full items (header, item, and any attachments)
Ctrl+B Display Send/Receive progress when send/receive is in progress
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 Save Form Design
Ctrl+Shift+F11 Save Form Data
Ctrl+n when on InfoPath folder. Create new InfoPath form
Ctrl+Shift+W Select Message InfoBar and, if available, show menu of commands
Alt+F11 Open Visual Basic Editor
Alt+F8 Play Macro
~~~ The end. Thank you for watching. Add page to bookmarks CTRL + D ~~~
Date of change: 04.04.2019
Page views: 1449
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program