Shortcuts Smite for MacOS

We present to your attention the shortcuts for the Smite for MacOS which is used on the operating system MacOS, in this hotkeys description 38 of the most popular and important shortcuts are offered. You can also add your changes on our portal if you consider the data insufficiently complete or add a new program from the very beginning.

Movement Controls

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
W/Up Arrow Move Forward
S/Down Arrow Move Backward
A Strafe Left
D Strafe Right
Left Arrow Turn Left
Right Arrow Turn Right
Mouse Scroll Up Zoom In
Mouse Scroll Down Zoom Out
NumLock Toggle Auto Run
SpaceBar Jump

Attack and Ability Controls

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
LMB Fire
RMB Cancel Fire
1 Ability 1
2 Ability 2
3 Ability 3
4 Ability 4 (Ultimate)
F1 Train Ability 1
F2 Train Ability 2
F3 Train Ability 3
F4 Train Ability 4 (Ultimate)

Other Controls

MacOS Description Edit Cancel Save & submit
F Relic 1
G Relic 2
B Recall
C Consumable 1
Z Consumable 2
Option Free Mouse
M Toggle Map Overlay
Tab Scoreboard
K Skill Screen
I Item Store
T Top Player Stats
Y Death Recap
H Suppress Help
F6 Vote to Surrender
F7 Vote to Not Surrender
F10 Pause
Page Up Toggle Combat Log
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Date of change: 16.02.2019
Page views: 1318
*Some of the keys listed may not work in older versions of the program